Chapter One: Caught

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I am princess Dawn of the kingdom Dusk. We are all hunters in this kingdom, we are also the center of trade.

We always have covered wagons and people with bows and arrows walking around talking on the gravel streets. The smell of mud, dirt, and dust is always floating in the air.

I walk down stairs calling out for my dad or the "king" as he goes by in the rest of the kingdom and everywhere else. I finally found him in the ball room talking to my mom and some of the cooks. I pause then walk into the room then I walk elegantly down the stairs to show off to the cooks, and maybe make my father a little prouder.

"Why my Dawn what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the tailor making your dress?"

"Yes dad I should be but, before you cut me off. I don't want a dress... I just want a little skirt and a little top and to sling my bow over my shoulder.

He slamed his hand on the tabel and rose a little when he said, "Peposturiouse! You shall do no such thing!"

"But Daddy"

"NO! Go to your room!"

I turned and walked away trying not to cry. Once I got out of sight I ran I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I got to my room, slammed then locked the door as I ran to my bed starting to tear up. I put my face straight down in the pillow then began crying...

... I knew that next morning I will leave to go out in the woods to have some hunting time. I will let go and hunt my heart out in the morning. I will go to the lake and hang out in the trees.

I snuck out of my room and prepared a sack for my little trip for the morning. It was after dark and torches lit the halls in the corridors... Until I heard footsteps I went into hunting mode I quieted my footsteps and I ran... I ran fast. I didn't look back I ran forward heading for my room till morning come I needed my sleep.

I woke around five minutes before sun rise and I am up and ready to sneak out. That's not all my dad is having the most trusted guards guard my room because of that little "fit" I had yesterday.

I will just ask them to let me out and that they would get something special or if they don't well... they don't want to know what I will do.

I got up to the tiny window in my door and I open it up. The guards immediately turn around and tell me "You are under strict watching, directed by the king."

"Well then you should know I am the princess, the most experienced hunter and huntress in all the land."

"Yes we are aware."

"Well then you will let me out and I will bring you both back deer for your family's, and they won't be pitiful deer either." They paused for a minute looking at each other as if talking telepathically then finally turned to me and opened the door.

"Thank you boys, I will be back soon with your deer."

I snuck through the castle as stealthy as a mouse. I finally got to the courtyard... Sounds great but really it's the worst part of sneaking out, all these people roaming about won't see the princess and just stay calm.

I'm crouching and hiding behind shrubs when a little girl sees me and runs up and asks " Why are you hiding when your a princess?"

"Well I uhh... I am practicing for hunting, I have to be as stealthy as possible, but I guess I'm not good enough because you caught me."

"I'm going to be like you some day I know it!" a smile crossed her small little face as I let slip a little giggle. She jumped up and down as her little pig tails went with her then she ran off. I smiled again and kept going on through the courtyard.

When I finally made it to the woods I rested in the luscious green grass. I finally made it...

... I got up and took my bow off my back then grabbed an arrow, I sensed something was near. I was right standing there were three deer. I was astonished I've never seen three deer in one area at a time especially all of them being adults. I carefully shot the one lying down then I carefully shot the next one. But after I shot the second one the third one ran off and wasn't to be found.

I picked up the two deer and dragged them to the nearest butchery shop and I headed off again. This time I was headed off to the lake.

I was passing through private hunting land when I took a break, I walked around looking for some berries when a net came falling down on top of me to were somehow I found myself in the air with all my arrows on the ground.

I was freaking out because I was supposed to meet my best friend on the lake... I just hope I remembered my knife...

...I didn't. I am trapped, I might be here for days maybe...

There are footsteps nearby, it's a man in a hooded cloak walking up. He is armed with a sword and bow. He looked up at me sitting there in the trap when he turns around nods. Two men walk out of the brush then walk over and cut me out. I fall to the ground with a thud, then they pick me up and put a bag over my head and escort me away.

I was mainly walking but some times they took a step and then I started being dragged. The hooded men picked me all the way up at one point probably hoping that I would lose my sense of direction... They were right.

I was completely lost I had no idea where we were going. Finally we made it somewhere that I could sit or lie down even though it's not a good sign for me. They put me in a wagon they threw me in... harshly.

I heard them get in behind me...


(A/N: If you guys want me to do longer or shorter chapters let me know. Also if you have any more advice please comment in the comments.)

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