Chapter Two: Captive

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One of them finally spoke, "You wouldn't be here if you didn't hunt on our land."

"I don't hunt on your land, I was just passing through!"

"Yeah right your just a dirty criminal."

"A dirty, What?!? I am the princess you idiot!"

"You're not the princess, the princess isn't allowed to be out alone."

"Well don't you think that she or me got in a fight with her dad?"

"No there is great security in that castle."

"Not happening your keeping hidden until we get to our stop."

"Well could you at least tell me how long? Please..."

"What does it matter? You're not being let go." that was his last words then he wouldn't reply to anything else I asked...

He finally picked me up and threw me on a bed of straw or just a pile of straw either way straw...

I couldn't fall asleep with all the things racing through my mind, where are they taking me? Why do they want me?

I finally put that aside then sleep consumed me, a dark deep slumber.

I think it is about five hours after I fell asleep that I woke up, there was musty cool damp air... Am I in a basement? I couldn't speak nothing came out, it's then I realised that I have a cloth in my mouth and a blindfold over my eyes.

I feel the cool metal on my wrists and the pressure on my arms as I dangle in the air, who knows where I am...

I finally heard a metal door scrape against concrete as a piercing light comes through the blind fold, the red burns my eyes as a man starts pulling on the chains holding me up and I slowly start falling towards the floor. Then relief hits me as I touched the floor, I collapsed right away.

"Get up you little thief, or else you'll never be able to walk again... Permanently." I couldn't respond so I just mumbled and he came over and pushed against my head... but something was different his hands were soft against my head as he pushed forcefully but not forcefully all at the same time. It just sent chills down my spine, and the hair on my legs and arms start to raise.

He untied the gag around my mouth and it fell to the floor, and then the blindfold did the same. I had to squint and turn around to keep the sun out of my face. He still hadn't taken my hands out of the metal cuffs.

He walked in front of me then he whispered " I will get you out of here I know you..." He got cut off as a man in the robe from the abduction walked in the room "Why have you taken out the gag?"

"She was just trying to..." The man cut him off "I don't want to hear it." He turned around and started at the first step " Oh and little girl if you try anything and I mean anything I will kill you on the spot." He then started up the stairs again revealing a dagger with a decorative snake going around the handle.

The man that had started to free me unlocked the cuffs from the wall and led me up the stairs, he was right behind me at all times.

When we left the basement we were in a field next to a lone broken down house and windmill that now had three blades, no way anyone could live there now.

The person leading me whispered this time in my ear "What I was trying to say was I know you didn't hunt on the land, it will just be hard to tell the others that." He then pushes me forward and kept walking, the hood still covering his face.

I finally asked him what his name was and he responded "That's not important, the only thing important right now is me knowing your name." I blushed  but luckily he was behind me. I responded "Dawn, my name is Dawn." He then stopped and asked me right in my ear "Wait as in Dawn the princess of the kingdom of Dusk?"

"That's my name and that's my kingdom." He hesitated probably wondering what he should do next, he finally just said "Keep walking." then he started pushing me forward. I played it safe by just following orders that he gave me.

We walked into the little broken down house with the peeling paint and squeaky door. Inside the room it smelled like burning flowers and there are dim candles in a circle around a dark and gloomy rug. The man that was behind me pushed me into the circle then said "Stay or die you thief." I stayed there and slowly brought myself off the floor as the three other men walked out of the dark cloaked. The one opposite of the man who brought me in here yelled out at him "CLOSE THE CURTAINS RONALD!" The one man that brought me in or Ronald turned around and closed all the curtains around the room and returned to his position.

They started to quietly chant unintelligible words, over and over again slowly getting louder each time. Not knowing what to do and starting to feel a little nauseous I sat back down and tried to keep from throwing-up all over the place.

Next thing I knew they stopped chanting and they asked me simple questions starting with, "Who are you really?"

I immediately responded without much response saying "Princess Dawn, of the kingdom Dusk." A few moments later I added in "Like I've been saying..."

A few seconds later they asked "What were you doing on our land?"

Again I immediately responded "Crossing to a lake to meet my best friend, well more like only friend..."

With a swipe of their hands the candles blew out and the room went black...


Sorry it took so long for this chapter to be published. I got busy in my life, and I'll try to get the next one out sooner. Like always please leave a note in the comments if I spelled something wrong, or anything else grammatically wrong. I'm up to helpful criticism.

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