Chapter 8

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Your POV:

Beeping. That was the only thing I heard. It was annoying me... It just went 'Beep. Beep. Beep' ugh.... I don't know what happened, or why I only see black, but I nee to get out of this darkness... I'm getting kinda scared. I looked around, but still all black.

"Hello?" I called, only to hear it echo.

"Anybody here..?" I asked again, more scared now.

I looked around once more, and saw something glowing, it looked like a way out of this darkness. I ran and ran, the light getting closer, until it was right in front of me. It was a door! A glowing, white door. I opened it and went through it, only to be met by other people... With white wings and golden halos. I looked around confused,until it all made sense. I-I'm in Heaven?! 

"Y/N?" I heard someone call.

I looked behind me, only to see someone that looked like god.

"Uh yeah, whatsup?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked confused "It isn't your time yet."

"My time? Speaking of time, what time is it?" I asked, looking around for a clock "I need to do some homework I have"

"Its time for you to go back."

"Back? What do you me-" I got cut off by being teleported into the dark room again. This time, I heard more than beeping.

(Garroth / ???? /You)

"What are you doing here?!"

"Oh! Garroth! I uh... I'm the one that brought Y/N here!" Really? That person is nice!

"Really? Wow thank you! You saved her life!"

"Oh I did.. I mean great!!" I think its a she... And the voice sounds annoying!

"How can I ever repay you!"

"How about we go on a date?"


Then, I heard footsteps going farther and farther until I heard a door closed. I opened my eyes and looked around, tubes were connected to me and I had a bandaged eye. The voice seemed so familiar to me... But I can't seem to identify it. I know its a girl tho! Okay so... Who would like Garroth? Lets see... Aphmau? She does like him but she would never have the guts to ask him out... Kawaii~Chan? Hahahhaha! Nahhh... Nicole or Katelyn? What am I saying? Heck no! So... That's all my frien- IVY!!!! SHE IS THE ONE THAT ASKED GARROTH OUT! AND SHE LIED ABOUT IT TOO! SHE DIDN'T SAVE ME! SHE DID THIS TO ME! I'M GONNA TELL GARROTH THE TRUTH! I got up; well tried getting up.. The pain stopped me... OKAY NEW PLAN : I TELL GARROTH WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE.


Why me? (Reader x Aaron, Garroth, etc)Where stories live. Discover now