Character Background

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I've provided some basic character information since I have decided to start the story from the third year.

Harry and Violet Potter face the same destiny: to destroy Lord Voldemort. However, they don't face the same journey. Their life at Hogwarts is filled with mischievous pranks, secret relationships, difficult teachers, sibling squabbles, heart-breaking betrayals, eye-opening surprises, and noble sacrifices.

Name: Violet Potter

Family: Harry Potter (older twin brother) 

Vernon Dursley (uncle)

Petunia Dursley (aunt)

Dudley Dursley (cousin)

Friends: Has many friends but some of her good ones include

Hermione Granger (best friend)

Ron Weasley (best friend)

Fred Weasley (pranking buddy)

George Weasley (pranking buddy)

Cedric Diggory (older brother figure, met in 1st year)

Daphne Greengrass (open-minded Slytherin, met in 1st year)

House: Gryffindor

She is a combination of all the houses but chose Gryffindor because she wanted to be in the same house as her brother.

Personality: Violet Potter is similar to her father. She spends a large amount of time in detention because of her daring personality and pranking tendencies. She is extremely bright, but also lazy. Instead of using her brains to excel in academics, like Hermione, she likes creating new uses of the magic she learns. She cares what people think of her, although this trait eventually fades away. She is kind and amiable to those she likes and to those she doesn't know and has friends from many different houses. If she doesn't like someone, she doesn't hide it. Trust is important to Violet Potter although, she isn't always the most honest person. She stands up for her friends and fights against her enemies. Violet Potter believes that magic is power and isn't afraid to use it.

Favorite Subject: Potions- Violet Potter takes after her mother.

Pet: Hedwig- owl that she shares with Harry

Wand: 10" Laurel, phoenix feather (same core as Harry and Voldemort)

Blood Status: Half Blood

Hair Color: Dark brown; almost black

Eye Color: Bright Green


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