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Ground control to major tom
Check ignition and may G-d's love be with you
Ground control to major Tom
commencing countdown
Engines on..

In a heartbeat they'll say we're too young to know what love is, but i first knew love, when I first knew poetry. & They say your first poem will be read off the pages of a book, but I knew my first poem when my eyes first met yours. & I'd heard the girls talk about how your walk had a rhyme and rhythm no music could ever beat. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, & maybe they're right on that, for one deep stare was all it took for me to see that there was more to your eyes than just shades of blue & attitude, for through your eyes I think I heard & saw your demons scream. But I wanted to do more than just listen; I wanted to comprehend their igneous yells. You told me "you don't even know me" and shot me a look full of asteroids that I could feel one by one enter & penetrate my entire atmosphere, & I barely heard myself manage to answer, "but I think I'd really like to." So that was the day you first apathetically smiled at me & In few words got across that we weren't made of the same celestial body, that we were not two stars meant for crossing, for you were far distinct from mine & if come together, we could easily combust. You said you were an entire constellation on your own, so to not get the idea that we were to be Romeo and Juliet. But I'd heard you'd been having some trouble keeping your feet on the ground for quite awhile, so I eagerly assigned myself the duty of being your ground control.

Truth is it didn't take long into whatever kind of ship we were in, for me to realize that you didn't want to be the captain of your voyage, but rather the deviser of your own catastrophe. You were into drugs, & had a strange obsession with outer space, while I was into you and I would've followed you to mars if it meant becoming what you were so addicted to. But I was always fascinated by space & You told me to leave this world behind, for the universe held so much more than just the bland human beings that occupied this one rock, that you & I could go explore the other planetary bodies as we explored the mysteries within ourselves. You said one trip was all it took, to find out who we truly were. But from what I knew you'd taken lots of trips, yet you were lost & had a hard time understanding anybody, especially your own self.

The night of the dance, we ended up in a field with friends instead, I bit back my tongue, swallowed down the impulse to confess some underlying love I had for you that I wasn't even so sure about actually having yet. You said that all the atoms in our bodies were once stardust, that we were all constellations, parts of the great wide somewhere. You stared at me with sober eyes that didn't quite match the drunken slurs being produced by your liquor tainted tongue. That night you got so drunk you were stumbling to a point where even the earths bounty shook at your step. I was on my way home when you called me just to say you kept falling & I refused to speak in anticipation for you to say in love with you.

We watched Doctor who & endlessly talked about how we would never hesitate to run away with the doctor. Until you took it too far & experimented with more ways to get outside the Milky Way & People wouldn't quit asking why you weren't showing up to school as oftenly and why they kept seeing you come out of Walgreens constantly, & you told me to just say you were sick. I wish I could've gotten it through to you that the kind of sickness you had wasn't one that'd be cured with un prescribed pills & sips of Tylenol. You said reality was for people who couldn't handle drugs & anguish enveloped me for I was doing lines of poetry whilst you were doing lines within dollar bills & I figured you'd only runaway from our galaxy with the excuse that you were running low on other alternatives that helped you escape actuality. You explained whenever you got high, it was just to get closer to where you truly belonged; amongst the stars. You grinned & told me "chill don't get jealous, you know I love you." My lone thought was how saying "I love you" only when you're high, was just an all time low.

You came around at 3 a.m. with bloodshot eyes & more tears than skin. said you wanted to go away & stroke the atmospheres with hands that owned no bruised nor bloodied knuckles from boxing matches with your blank paged bedroom walls. These were the days your voice was hardly symphonic, it came out in whisky scented garbles and vodka befouled swears. I asked if your mom cared that you drowned your sorrows down with wine, & your answer was the equivalent to, well she was the one who'd always pour alcohol over my wounds whenever I fell. you were so out of it you read me James Thomson's The Seasons, & Edward Young's Night Thoughts on Death and Immortality & said how a person's poetry is just a complicated mess of saddened words dressed nicely to disguise true feelings. I couldn't help but remember the time you asked me to describe your eyes as I would if you were the character in my novel & when I did you smirked & questioned why on earth I would call your eyes a poem.

You're here but you're not, you're physically here, your mind is not. You only look for me when your out of money & your beaten up walk no longer holds rhyme, much less a reason. You yelled at me in your house, pretty much saying you were not a flower & I was not the sun & you didn't need me to keep you alive. Your words hit me like a square punch just as your dad slammed his fist across your mouth so hard I wondered if alcohol rubbed off on his knuckles. I knew you pulled bottoms up when you pulled the liquor through, I questioned that night whether you drank just to prove that a bottle could be emptier than you. I knew that you'd been shaking pills out of their cases too, I concluded you swallowed those just to authenticate how you were not the only harmful thing on our planet.

Weeks later you came to apologize, said you didn't understand what was transpiring, & we both cried for hours as if comet would crash into Earth any minute. You once told me you were made up of 90% drugs & alcohol. I guess that's why I felt so intoxicated that night when you first kissed me. You kissed me like my lips were air & you were on Neptune and you couldn't breathe. You lost your signature sinful smirk as you reminded me how when we first met you said we were not Romeo & Juliet. Much less two stars meant for crossing. I half expected you to say you'd been mistaken, but all you did was reiterate how I shouldn't forget that we didn't share the same atmospheric makeup.

I'd been caught up in the saying that soulmates are made form the same stars, for you were the first person to have me believe that you & I might just come from the same heavenly body. & I didn't want to be thwarted no more for if the stars did control our fate, then I figured we'd just have to control the stars. I mean Cassius did once say that the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

a day before leaving you told me I did not deserve to die & rot hellishly once I realized you already had.. Everyone told me I deserved good things & that you were not one of them. But fuck it I didn't care if I deserved better, I wanted you. I wanted to save you. But I guess the Friar was right when he stated that these violent delights often have violent ends. But I love you despite the fact that you had always been both hot chocolate & poison to my heart. For at the end I was always willing to drink both.

I loved a boy, who didn't love himself. For he'd managed to convince himself that he was a complete constellation, but he'd always just been a dim sky with stars falling out of his grasp. I'm not quite sure how it took others so long to notice. nobody ever told me you couldn't save those who didn't wish to be saved so I had let him go. but as fast as a shooting star, I would do it all again, in a heartbeat.


Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead,
there's something wrong
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you hear me Major Tom?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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