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Hellow everyone, Lazy here, and yes, I'm back!!!

So let me explain:

First off, today was my last day of school and also Black Friday, had a lot of fun going out w my friends and spending time with them.

I also ate pizza, great shit!!

Anyway. I'm back and I only have 2 more test to do so I can be free from tests!!

Also, I'm very sorry for going away for so long, and I'll try to do my best to fix some stuff.

One thing tho:

 I know Pokémon Go is already out of the "fame" but I still love it and just to make it easy for u to spot me on this summer (I live in Brazil, south hemisphere) I'll be using this almost the entire time

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I know Pokémon Go is already out of the "fame" but I still love it and just to make it easy for u to spot me on this summer (I live in Brazil, south hemisphere) I'll be using this almost the entire time.

If u see me, like ever, please talk to me. I'm lonely.

I also want to make a point here, I'm in love with the movie Dr. Strange, cause I LOVE THE CALEDOSCOPE SHIT THEY MADE HOLY FUCK ITS AMAZING FUCK ME I LOVED IT TO HELL AND BACK.

I swear I'm not drunk, I'm weird.

Thats it for today guys.

Stay safe, stay lazy.

Lazy out!!

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