I'm Pregnant?

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Peta and Maks have been happily married for about 8 months now. They have both decided to wait a little longer to start a family because Maks and Val were going on another tour this summer.

While Peta was not participating in tour, Maks didn't want to have to leave her during that time. So they figured it was best to wait.

Maks had left for the weekend to work on a project from DWM in New York.

Since peta had the house to herself, she decided to have a girls weekend with Sharna and Jenna. They were going to shop, get there nails done, and then watch a bunch of chick flicks together.

At 5am Peta felt nausea overcome her body. She ran to the bathroom quickly and got sick. She stood in the bathroom for the next 20 minutes letting herself calm down. She quickly brushed her teeth and then went back to bed.

Peta didn't want to tell Maks about what had happened because she knew he would drop everything and fly home to take care of her.

Around 8 Peta got sick again. When Peta calmed down her phone started going off. It was a text from sharna.

-text messages-
S- P what time do we want to meet today?

Shit Peta thought, she had totally forgot about their girls day. She definitely didn't want to cancel but she also didn't feel well.

-text messages-
P- I got sick this morning, I'm sure it's nothing bad. So if you guys want to come over for movies I'm up for that.

S- I'll definitely be over to take care of you babe, I'll talk to Jen. I'll be over around 12?

P- works for me! Thank you so much babe💗.

S- no problem!

Peta decided to get a shower so she didn't feel as gross. After her shower she got dressed in sweatpants and a baggy shirt. While she was getting dressed she saw her box of tampons in the bathroom.

Damn it, I'm 2 weeks late she thought. "No I can't be pregnant," she said under her breath. That would explain why I got sick this morning.

Her phone started ringing. She hoped it wasn't Maks, so he wouldn't hear the panic in her voice. Luckily it was Sharna.

"Hey babe, I'm going to run to the store before I come to get snacks. Do you need anything?" Sharna asked.

Peta quickly thought should I ask her to get me a test or not? Sharna was her best friend. She could trust her with anything. Besides she wanted to know right now whether she is pregnant or not.

"Um if I ask you to get this you can't tell anyone," Peta said in a shaky voice.

"Of course anything for you babe," sharna said.

"I need a pregnancy test," Peta blurted out.

"Really, do you think?" Sharna said.

"Well I'm late and it would explain the sickness this morning," peta said quietly.

"Okay I'll get one for you, anything else?" Sharna said.

"No that's all I need. Is Jenna coming?" Peta asked.

"Yes, I'm on my way to pick her up now!" Sharna said.

"Okay well I'll let you go, see you soon!" Peta said.

Peta spent the next 45 minutes pacing back and forth.

The doorbell rang, Peta nervously walked to the door.

"Hey babe," Sharna exclaimed at the blonde.

Peta embraced sharna and Jenna in a hug. She then welcomed both of the girls in.

As soon as they got inside sharna handed Peta the drug store bag.

"Should I take it now?" Peta asked nervously.

"Take what?" Jenna asked.

"Sorry I didn't know if you wanted me to tell her or not," sharna said.

"No it's fine. Jen this stays between the scissor sisters that's it," Peta said laughing.

"Okay I'm getting impatient what is it?" Jenna asked laughing.

"I need to take a pregnancy test," Peta said quietly.

"What? Really?" Jenna asked.

Peta nodded her head.

"Awe I'm so happy for you," Jenna said.

"I guess I'll take it now," Peta said getting tests out of the bag.

Peta went into the bathroom did her business and then came back out.

"I have to wait 3 minutes," Peta told sharna and Jenna.

Sharna and Jenna tried to calm down and entertain Peta during the 3 minutes.

"Can someone else go look,
I'm way to nervous," Peta said as her phone timer went off.

Sharna nodded her head, got up and went to grab the tests. When sharna returned she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Babe you're pregnant!" Sharna exclaimed.

Petas eyes started tearing up at the sound of that sentence.

"Are those happy tears or sad tears?" Jenna asked.

"Both, I'm happy because I've always wanted to be a mom but nervous to tell Maks." Peta said with more tears forming in her eyes.

"He is going to be so happy. You know he has always wanted to be a father," Jenna said trying to calm Peta down.

Jenna then embraced Peta in a hug.

"P you're going to be a great mom," sharna said embracing her in a hug.

"And you two are going to be even greater aunts," Peta said.

Jenna and sharnas faces lit up at the sound of that.

"Thank you guys for being here with me today! I say the rest of the day we have a movie marathon?" Peta asked.

"We will always be here for you babe and of course!" Sharna exclaimed.

The girls spent the rest of the day watching movies and figuring out a way to tell Maks about the baby.

Thanks  for reading! The next chapter will be her telling Maks. Comment what you thought of the first chapter!

(Ps sorry in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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