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I woke up with Lexie in my arms. She looked so peaceful. Her blonde hair was all over her face but I saw no imperfections in her.

I'd never been close to any girl or any person at that. For my entire life my father had secluded me from the world.

I was never allowed to have friends over only the few times my dad was out of town and my mom kept it from him. My mother had been the most wonderful person I'd never known.

She stuck by my father through all his imperfections. He was a drunk and a drug addict but she put our family first. She never knew he abused me and I never wanted her to find out. I had this idea that if she had ever found out she wouldn't have loved me the same.

I wouldn't have been her little boy anymore I would've just been disgusting. A damaged and filthy reck.

In the few time me and Lexie had spent together I could feel myself growing to care about her. Maybe too much.

I knew outside these walls Lexie would never go for a guy like me. I wasn't like all the other guys. I was my fathers rag doll. I was worthless.

No one could ever true love me because I wasn't worthy of anyone's love. My demons were too much for anyone to handle.

Suddenly Lexie woke up and let out a big yawn. She looked like a bear waking up from hibernation. A cute one of corse.

She looked up at me smiled, not realizing I was already awake.

"Hey" I said grinning. "Mmm hey" she said letting out another yawn. "So what should we do today?" She asked laughing.

God was she amazing. Even in the worst situation she managed to still laugh and make jokes. Had I been in her place I probably would've killed myself.

I'd already considered it many times before. From the moment my mother died I had no happiness in my life. Wherever I was, wherever I looked all I ever felt was pain.

After my mom passed away my father decided to home school me so I had no excuse to ever leave the house. He was so afraid I'd spill his secret he secluded me from the entire world.

We had no phones in the house and he locked the door whenever he left the house so I couldn't ever leave. I was a prisoner in my own home.

My father never bothered teaching me the material the home school system sent so I tried the best I could to learn it by myself.

Around Lexie I felt like the past 17 years of my life didn't matter. I could spend the rest of my life with her and be the happiest man alive.

She made me feel wanted for the first time in my life and that scared me more then anything my father had ever done to me.

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