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The air feels thick and kinda Damp. It hurts my throat to breathe it in, it makes it burn as if it was on fire. My blood is running cold, it's freezing in my room. I'm covered in sweatshirts and blankets, but they aren't helping me get warm or even keep the same temperature anymore. My body temperature was dropping every second. My body soon became covered in goosebumps.

I uncover my phone, and turn it on to my messages.

1 New Message from: Joseph💚

A smile covered my face, that became burning hot with blush. For some reason my eyes lit up when I saw that  notification, it made me happy to know he was thinking of me I guess. My heart knew ow I felt about him, but my mind didn't want to tell him. The reason why I didn't want to tell him was because I'm scared of how he will respond to it.

I mean, I have felt this way once before for another, but I didn't want my feelings to end me and his relationship. That's one reason why I won't tell him how I feel for him.

I shake the thought from my head, I don't wanna think about that right now.  I open the message.

"Good morning, I hope your having a wonderful day."

"I am in fact, thanks."

My face became rose red, I swear he thinks my face is naturally red because I can't stop blushing around him. I can't help but remember the kiss we had yesterday. My mouth waters at the thought, I bite my lip. I sign, knowing that I'm a huge weirdo for doing such things, and that I'm surprised that I'm in a relationship. I laughed at the quick realization of my awkwardness. Joseph was also awkward, me and him are so much alike it's ridiculous. We are both Shy, Awkward, weird, and sarcastic. He can always find a way to make me smile, even if it's just him smiling at me. Joseph's smile was something un-real, it was so calming and handsome. It made me happy just to see him smiling, since he didn't do it very often.

We had both been threw a lot, we were fucked up. We still are, but we got threw everything, I mean we are still alive after all. But we get along very well because we understand what each other has been threw, and we want to help one another find happiness I guess. He says I guess a lot, and I said I have no idea what I mean at this point.

My memory started to become blurry, and my mind started to empty. Soon my mind was completely blank and I didn't even know what I was doing anymore.

Sleep.. that's what. I need more sleep, I'm still very tired. So I began to shut my eyes. As I let the darkness consume me.

Once more I see myself laying in the darkness, alone, surrounded by the dark. I sit down by my other body waiting to see what will happen next. I have no thoughts in this world, my mind is solidly blank or filled with nothingness. My other body slowly tilts her head in my Direction, not looking at me but into the darkness.

"Don't Wake Up..."

I gasp, I can't help it. My mind is then flooded with thoughts and emotions. Things that I can't explain even if my life depended on it. It is si hard not to cry, it took everything inside me not to.

"Don't wake up... you won't like what happens when you wake up..."

Her body then began to decay once again, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to know what she meant but I couldn't do anything! Soon enough her body disappeared including the ash.

*Tweet tweet tweet*

I hear the sound of birds as I slowly open my eyes to the sunshine in my eyes. Quickly I cover my eyes to block the burn of the rays to my eyes. Sitting myself upright I remembered the dream. "...You won't like it when you wake up.." Well I'm awake now, and I don't know what's going to happen. Quickly I grab my phone that is underneath my body pillow. It was 10:45 a.m. And no messages. This surprised me, Joseph always texts around 9:00 a.m. This made me worry. Was this the thing I wouldn't like? Was this no all? What happened to Joseph?

Chapter 4 coming soon!
On 11/27/16
Sorry if I'm early or late to updates.
Tell me what you think please! Give me ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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