Luna flower

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In the G.U.N. base it seems to be everyday that something odd happens,first the thing with Solaris and then more Eggman and Sonic challenging Shadow to a race once a week every week. Shadow just wanted a break from all this. an then he herd about a new military corp called the United Nation's Space Command.and that they had their own version of him and he was not happy about it, how did they get the information about me to make that FAKE!!! he yelled. then he fast walked to commander tower eminently. I need a mission to invade the U.N.S.C. now he demanded to he's boss with rage. I'm sorry shadow but the U.N.S.C. has asked for the assistance of G.U.N. and we can't attack the allies now can we?

well what about my clone?

she and her team will assist you.


well you should've known by now that she's a girl Shadow.he said with confusion on his face.Shadow just left with no more words to say, he got Rouge and they got on a trance port falcon to the air base and went to meet there new teammates one of them was human,witch Shadow hated.but he was very kind and was the home base medic named Dre short for Drake he showed them around a little, so I here you don't trust us Shadow.

Shadow looked at him confused.

how do you know about that?

Well your commander told my commander who told me he said with a cheerful smile,so why don't you?

it's the clone of me.Shadow said with a concerned look on he's face.

oh you mean Angel.

Angel? oh yeah you don't know about her much yet Dre replied quickly.well she's not really your clone.then what is she? shadow said as they stopped.oh we're here Dre said to stop the looked like some kind of mini asylum then a demon like hedgehog came out of it and said who are you 2? were your new teammates Rouge said confidently,oh,the hedgehog went threw his mind for a secant or 2 and carried on you should meet Shurikin soon.Dre cave him a look telling him to introduce himself oh I forgot he said sarcastically my name is Moroxide the demon and I'm the strongest on team symbol.

team symbol? shadow asked. oh each member on the team chooses a emblem to represent them self. oh that's pretty cool.Rouge said with a smile. where's the other members? shadow(I have to get this over with ASAP)Dre led the trio the training room to meet Shurikin. when they got there Shadow was surprised to see that he was a wolf.i always thought wolves stayed with their packs? shadow asked.they do but Shurikin has none Moroxide replied calmly, is Sherikin I fighter or what? Rouge. asked. he's a scientist really.Dre said as he came up the steps that led to the mane controls.then why is he in the combat training? shadow questioned. he thinks that with training he could be more useful on the team. Moroxide replied again.he came up with the others and introduced himself I'm Shurikin the wolf and the smartest on team symbol.Rouge smiled and did the same i am Rouge the bat and this is my partner Shadow the hedgehog, nice to meet you Shurikin. have you met Angel yet? he said. in Shadows head all they want is for us to meet another one of them. well come on you really need to meet her Shurikin said, shadow replied quickly why is she so important? well I figured you would want to meet your sister. Shadow stopped and they all stood there for a moment before the alarm went of.

they all ran to the launch pad on the top of the base.what's going on!?!Shadow yelled at Moroxide well were under attack! he yelled back under the sound of battle.ok I knew that! then why did you ask!?!he meant who's attacking us Rouge yelled. I think it's that eggman guy from a few months ago! then a sonic boom hit the air and there was a pink and white blur destroying most of the robots in 30 sec flat and then she got to the other ones and used some sort of spin attack but Shadow could've sworn he saw blades and as the robot fell the blur landed toward the wounded.they ran there to find a hedgehog the looked like a girl Shadow(she's on the cover!!😝)Shadow beat everyone there to see the she helped a few of them up the medics came over even Dre went to help out.Shadow confronted the girl with a evil look in his eye, then the girl said uh can I help you? and she said it the sonic would, yeah you can help me out who are you? he asked. well I'm Angelina but everyone calls me Angel and I'm leader of team symbol.she said with confidence, and you are?

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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