The Secret Land for the Special

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The map showed her where to go and it lifted up in the air and pointed her the direction to the river.

1 hour later..........

She finally found the river but she was confused how is she going to the land of the special? Until the water rises up and the water was shaped as a person a lady, Annabeth was surprised but the water lady said to Coraline " You must be brave to enter the land of the special and don't tell anyone about this ", Coraline said to her self " I have to be brace to enter but how am I brace and what does she mean by don't tell anyone? " until she remembered a memory that she saved her mother from some thing she doesn't remember it that well cause something happened to her. The something open the water opened a door to the land of the special, she looked around and no one was there so she jumped in but someone was watching her but who was it..........

It was the second bots they followed her to the place they have been searching for ever. The second bots quickly rushed to Time's secret hide out, to tell him the big news.

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