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Hello my name is Sunny Drew and I am a transfer student from Australia.
I have been enrolled at a school called Karasuno, I am a first year student and when I lived in Australia I was in the national Volleyball team.

I have been learning Japanese for the past three years as an extra subject choice at my old school, turns out I'm lucky I did because my Dad got offered a management job in Japan and now here I am. Miles away from my friends and everything I know, now I have to start a new.

Unfortunately for me school in Japan has already been going for three weeks so not only am I knew, I'm also behind in everything.

I just want to go home.


After a briefing with the school principle who in my eyes looks like a complete douche and is obviously wearing a wig, I am standing  outside the classroom which I will be in for the rest of the year. Unlike Australia where the students have to change rooms per subject in Japan the teachers have to change rooms.

I start playing nervously with the hem of my school skirt waiting to be introduced. I have been to a japanese school before about a year and a half ago I was an exchange student for six months, maybe I'll know some people in my class.

Lost in thought I am slightly startled when the teacher opens the door ushering me to join the class inside. You see it's even worse for me because I am extremely short reaching a mere 158cm even when I wear my brown hair in a high pony I still look like a hobbit.

"Class this is Drew Sunny, she is a transfer from Australia so please be nice" the class teacher introduces me. In my nervousness I bow " Lovely meeting you all" I shout, my lord I think I just embarrassed the shit out of myself. As I stand up straight again I can hear the snickering of a few girls. But then a couple people start shouting questions like. "Is it true in Australia you ride Kangaroos to school?" And "Why are you so pale, aren't Australians tanned" or even " Is everyone from down under as short as you?" These questions were all complete nonsence and obviously rumours about my home country.

My teacher, or should I say Sensei gives the class a stern look before everyone goes silent. This gives me a chance to look around the room at everyone in it, and thats when I noticed a familiar firey red head smiling at me. Before I have a chance to react Sensei shows me to my seat at the very back of the class, I don't think she thinks I'm going to do to well in class just by her attitude already.

"Drew-san it's me Hinata do you remeber" the boy next to me excitedly says quickly taking out his phone and showing me his lock screen of the two of us pulling faces, from my final day in Japan a year and a half ago.

" Of course I do Baka, and what did I say just call me Sunny" I laugh also pulling out my phone revealing my matching lock screen.
Hinata smiles wide, happy that I remeber that he was the one who looked after me on my exchange. We end up spending the lesson talking and Hinata catching me up on his Volleyball life and is going to introduce me to the team after school.

Maybe being in Japan won't be to bad after all.

Thoughts? Should I continue this?
Sunny in image, random image from google until I find a proper suitor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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