Chapter 5: Hana

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I struggled with the last animal. I knew I shouldn't have given Kyouya the idea of giving the brochure to Tamaki. The large iguana clung to my shoulder and I walked over to Jessie and Perrie. "Ah! What is that?!" Perrie asked half laughing, half screaming. I gave the lizard a look. "It's an iguana...she's actually quite nice" I said picking here up and showing Perrie. "no no I don't want thank you" she said backing away. "I'll take her! She's so cute!" Jessie grabbed the iguana and hugged it. 

'i need new friends..

"Hey..where's Jayden?" i asked. Jayden was my new friend..or at least I hope she is my friend. "yes, where is that wonderful little cherry blossom? I'd love to see her again" Tamaki smiled. he was dressed in something very odd, but it did compliment him very well. "Hana-chan! I have a present for you!" Honey was tugging at the black skirt that hugged my waist. "yes?' I smiled down at him "Kyo-chan said you had to wear this for serving today" Honey handed me a white dress-like thing with beads and a gold belt. I grabbed it and looked up. "Really...? you're going to make her wear that?" Jessie asked looking up from the iguana still in her lap. Kyouya chuckled "why not? 107,710,00 yen is a lot, why not have my fun in all of this?" he flashed that cheeky smile and I went to change. 

I came back and Jayden was standing with Haruhi. I finished tying my hair off and looked at my friends for their opinion. "actually, on her, it doesn't look bad at all" Perrie smiled. Jayden gave me a shy smile. She wore a cute panda bear hat and i saw Tamaki adoring her. I hit his arm. "what was that for?" He gasped. "stop staring at her, you may freak her out" i said fixating a flower in my bangs. "freak her out, that's funny Hana, I could never freak a girl out" he said pridefully. "Not all girls are the same Tamaki. If you're planning something, I'd try something new...she's shy, sweet, and not prideful at all. You could learn a few things from her" I smiled as she made her way over to us. 

Jayden and I sat together while watching the boys. "so are Hikaru and Kaoru...." she connected her to point fingers together. I laughed "oh no! no, I can assure you they're straight as boards" we both laughed. "so is Honey really a third year?" i nodded "hard to believe huh?" she nodded. We both sat in comfortable silence. Both lost in thought. "hey Hana..." I heard her peep up. "yeah?" I smiled. "n-nothing..." she blushed and looked down crossing her legs and twiddling with her fingers. 'we just became friends the other day, I can't expect her to tell me everything right off the bat. Give it time, maybe she'll come out" I thought. 

I walked around re-filling tea glasses and giving out snacks to the guests. I looked for my friends and saw Perrie and Mori talking quietly in the corner while Honey played with the ladies. A sharp squeak caught my attention and Jayden was pulled into a tight hug by Tamaki while a fairly large banana spider crawled it's way right under Kyouya's shoe. Tamaki held her and she clung to him until the spider was dead, then she let go and sipped at her tea. "Tamaki better watch it" I heard Jessie say sassily. "oh really? why's that?' I smiled. "because Jayden is really cool and funny. i don't want him ruining her" with that she left and talked with the twins. 

After our guests left, I was helping Kyouya with the party preparations. "so what's going on here" Jayden smiled looking over our shoulders. "we're making party plans for the dance" Jayden seemed to light up. "What? A dance! Really?" she smiled. 'who knew she'd be so excited for something like this' i was brought out of my thoughts by an upset Tamaki. "Mama! Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again..." he whined. "er..who's mama?" Jessie started snickering. "Kyouya I'm guessing" Perrie laughed. Soon all four of us were dying laughing. "what's so funny?" Kyouya asked giving us grave looks. "oh..nothing" Jessie smiled. jayden cough/whispered in my ear "gay" and we all four began snickering again to be shut up by the whole host club. 

"I like you Jayden. You're quite the little devil yourself" Hikaru ruffled her hair. "yeah. you should be like this more often" Kaoru agreed. Tamaki shot them both glares and they stopped petting the poor girl. Suddenly it changed topic. "do have any formal dancing skills haruhi?" the twins asked. She started freaking out and Tamaki told her she had to master the waltz by the time of the party. "wonderful..." i murmured. "anyone know how to dance?' Perrie said sitting on the piano. The four of us were where the musical instruments were and talking happily and cutting up. 

"My dad taught me while dancing on his feet. It was really fun. Too bad I forgotten how" Jayden smiled. "Tamaki and I were practically forced to waltz at a party once...worst dance of my life" Jessie grumbled. "In England, the orphanage made us waltz for a show for the parents planning to adopt" Perrie started mimicking the dance. "ha ha sit down before you hurt yourself" Jayden giggled and looked at me. "what about you Hana?" I blushed. "uh yeah, I really don't know how to dance either" I shrugged. "hey maybe one of the boys could teach us?" Jayden asked. "yeah! that'd be cute" Perrie smiled. "yeah but which boy?" I asked twirling a drum stick. "Kyouya could teach yo-" "no!" Jessie had scared the living daylights out of all of us. 

"why? Kyouya would be perfect!" "no no she's right Jayden...first off I doubt he'd teach me, and secondly he's kinda my boss...don't you think it'd be a little weird?" I asked. Jayden gave me a pleading look. "....if I ask Kyouya, then you have to ask Tamaki" I smirked. She blushed. "No way..I-I'm too shy, what if he says no?" she said sadly. "it is only fair" Perrie shrugged. "this should be interesting" Jessie laid back and smiled. 

Jayden and I stepped out. Haruhi was just learning to dance and we snuck around them. "hey girls what are you up to?" the twins smiled. "we're just going to talk to some people" i explained. Jayden straightened up and took in a deep breath. "you go ask Kyouya, I'll go ask Tamaki, same time okay?" she smiled nervously. I couldn't really tell if she was excited or not. I nodded and made my way over to the boy obsessing over his laptop. He gave me a look. 'did you need something Hana?" he asked fixing his glasses. I glanced back to see no one in the room except Haruhi and that princess. 

"y-yeah i was wondering if-" his finger was pressed against my lips. "hold that" he smiled and tended to the guy with a new tea set. Nerves were just now starting to get to me. I hung my head down starting to over-think the entire situation. I felt a finger tug my chin up. "as you were saying" Kyouya smiled. "uh...i was wondering..if...youwouldteachmehowtodance?" I closed my eyes not wanting to see his face. His finger brushed my lower lip. "Hana" i opened my eyes and his face read total seriousness. "repeat the last part.." :would you teach me how to waltz..?" i sighed out. 

Kyouya's smile returned. "I thought you knew" "well obviously I don't so will you please teach me?' I said trying to keep cool. "alright on one condition" he stated. I glanced up. "and what's that?" "You save me the last dance" 

The hall was decorated beautifully. "wow" i whispered under my breath taking it all in. More and more girls arrived and I caught sight of my friends. "Hana! You look great!" Jessie smiled. i wore a simple black dress that went mid-thigh and tightly woven around me. "you all look beautiful" I smiled and then a light shone to the staircase where the boys were all standing. "aww look at Haruhi all dressed up" a bunch of girls giggled and squealed. "so the best dancer gets a kiss on the cheek from Tamaki huh? I think I'll pass" Jessie crinkled her nose. "Hey Perrie, you and Mori are getting quite close aren't you?" Jayden smiled. 

Perrie blushed. "err...yeah we've been friends for ages..he even asked to accompany me" we all patted her shoulder. "So how was dancing lessons with Tamaki and Kyouya?" Jessie smirked as we all  sipped punch and mewled around the pillars. Jayden and I were practically glowing red as we exchanged looks. "Hana." "Jayden" two voices caught our attention, Tamaki and Kyouya were side by side, hands out and both grinning madly. "may I have this last dance before we announce our winner?" Tamaki gripped Jayden's hand and pulled her close. "sure" she blushed looking away. 

The two danced away. 

Kyouya gripped my hand. "I do believe you owe me a dance Hana" he smirked. I nodded. "Let's hope you don't have a recap of what happened earlier. I pinched at his arm, not trying to hurt him because owing him more money was an impossibility at this point, and he chuckled. We danced pretty well and  then we both became comfortable. "oh look" Kyouya nodded towards something. I tilted my head and saw Perrie dancing with Mori and Jessie dancing with Kaoru and spinning off to dance with Hikaru. "prepare yourself, Tamaki has to go" Kyouya mumbled. 


Suddenly Kyouya pushed at my stomach and spun me into Tamaki. What. "I'm afraid I had to leave my cherry blossom in the hands of my best friend for now, but I had to tell you. You were right. Jayden is a lot different than other girls..." Tamaki blushed and bowed politely running off. "er any reason ours guys switched?" Jayden asked. "nope" 

We were huddled to the balcony and there was a dancing couple, new engaged I was led to believe. Kyouya switched the game up and made Haruhi kiss the girl on the cheek. Suddenly that game was switched too. Haruhi tripped and kissed the girl head on. "you don't think that was her first kiss do you?" i mumbled to my glasses wearing master. "that's what I was actually hoping for" he smirked. 

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