Just Gotta Make An Intro

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Hello Fellow Wattpadders! ☺👪

Y'all are like my third Family. 😂😂

You guys already know what this is about, but because am fweaky, am just gonna speak gibberish here.

I am going to share with you books that are purely AWESOME! LIKE RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME!

Books that makes you cry, smile, happy, suddenly become sadistic, makes you horny😉😅 Sorry, couldn't resist. 😂😂

I'm kidding about that tho. Imma good girl, I don't read those. 😉😉😆😅

So yeah, just go on, and check 'em out. I hope one catches your attention, cause they all did to me.

Oh, and I take reading requests. But no Fanfiction. Okay? Okay? Okay!

Peace Fam✌

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