I Got Tagged✌

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Hey guys. Sorry, this isn't an Upcoming book update! But instead, I got tagged by my friend tiff_4_life to write thirteen facts about me.

So here goes nothing!

1) I'm Nigerian, and black. And no, Nigeria is not dirty, and no, Nigerians aren't ugly, and no We're not all black, and no- *pauses* what other bad stuffs is been said about Nigeria? Oh well, let's forget that.

2)I love sex scenes, more than any girl my age should, but I'm not afraid to say it. I've read After more than twenty times, just to try and write my own sex scenes. So far, it hasn't worked. Music is life.

3) I hate Elena 'Stupid' Gilbert in TVD, with all passion. But I love Katherine. It surprises me, how much I love one, and hate one, when they're both played by the same person.

4) I'm a Christian. I know am not perfect, but my religion is.

5) I don't like surgary stuff, because I love my teeth more than any part of my body, but I love chocolate alot.

5) I hate Romance books, and any book that has 'Bad boy' in it. Wanna know why? Just search for *Bad boy* and see! It makes me wanna cry, how some writers puts bad boy in their book's name, so it get reads. I don't like any book with 'Bad boy'. Yes, including The Bad Boy's Girl. (Sorry, TBBG lovers)

6) I'm 100% a tomboy. I think gowns suck, and they should be removed. Trousers rule! Definitely an extrovert. I talk to myself more than any human, and I think am funny. Dunno.

7) I love anyone that has a British accent, but I would love to have a Russian accent. I love Russia. Why? Because of Lyndsey Fonseca who played Alexandra Udinov in the series, Nikita. Her accent is life! Especially how she pronounces her name. Alexandra Udinov.

8) I do not LIKE cats! At all! (sorry cat lovers) They scare the shit outta me!

9) I'm in love with Zayn Malik. I love Gigi Hadid, but she's taking my place.

10) Fav TV series of the moment is Teen Wolf, and the fact that its coming to an end, makes me wanna cry. Stiles rules👌

11) I ship Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez till the end of the world. I don't care if they're both like *We don't care about each other, and that crap*   They are still going to be my favourite couple, now and forever more.

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12) I'm a freshman in College, studying Chemistry. I love Chemistry with all my life. Its the best subject ever.

13) Oh, did I mention I love money? I didn't. Oh well, I love Money. But hell, who doesn't??!

Well guys, that's thirteen facts about me! Hehehe. So now imma tag 15 people. Well hell, that's alot.
















There's this new book I just started, and it seems like an Upcoming book material.

Kudos👊 Aly

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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