Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: *R*

Audrey's POV

We found our seats on the plane and then momentarily, we took off to Colorado.
I got window seat next to Megan and then Drake was on the other side of her.
I've decided to cheer up, so I returned to my crazy self and had some fun.
"So you ready to meet the family" I asked nudging Megan with my shoulder. "Huh? huh?"
"Oh, someone's happy and yes I am. I'll actually I have a family. You know. Grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles."
"You'll love Jeremey. This kid is freakin crazy. Well of coarse we're all related so of coarse he's crazy. Then Alice. Oh Alice You'll Really love her, she's the sweetest."
"I bet I will" She chuckled.
"Just watch out Megan" Drake said leaning towards us. "Alice may be sweet but she has her drama queen side where she thinks the world revlves around her"
"Oh shut it Drakula. He's just messing around like a the idiot brother he is" I said rolling my eyes.
My phone vibrated.
"You got a text" Megan said with her mouth full of grapes.
"You're seriously eating my grapes. And you're not sharing" I said with a childish look on my face.
"Haha, sorry" she swallowed. "So who's it from"
"I don't know. It's the unknown number that texted me earlier."
I unlocked my phone and the message came up along with the previous one.
Megan popped another grape in her mouth as she read with me.

Unknown number-
Dont be suprised if you bump into someone on your trip Drey. I'm watching ya.. I see you..

Megan started caughing and choking on her grape.
"You alright?" I asked patting her on the back.
She nodded and caughed again.
"Do you know who this is?" She asked with a wide eyes look on her face.
"No, but I was guessing it was one if the Lynches or Ratliff, but I'm not sure. Anybody could be "*R*" ."
"The fucking text says, 'I see you'! The fucker is on the plane. If it's not a Lynch or Ratliff, then who else would have your number?"
"I really don't know"
I leaned forward and looked ahead of all the rows of seats and then Megan and I turned around and look at all the rows behind us.
Behind me was a blonde boy with a beanie on, black shades, and he had black head phones on. He was looking out the window, but he also appeared to be sleeping or something. I looked down and he had a phone in his lap.
Megan nudged me and then back at the phone.
I sat down regularly in my seat and turned towards Megan. "What?" I asked her.
She rolled her eyes. "Text the unknown back and see if that guys phone dings."
I nodded. "Right"
I texted back just saying 'Who are you?'
We waited as the message sent and waited for a sound.
*DING*DING*, a noise went off behind me.
Megan and my eyes went wide. I leaned up against her so we both could see my phone screen.
The message bubble popped ups meaning that the person was typing.

Unknown number-
I'm your magic unicorn

I looked at Megan and gave her the 'really' look and she gave the same look back.

seriously, who the fuck is this?

Unknown number-
you'll find out soon enough.

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