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"He's sleeping at my house for the night, why do you care?" Hoeseok glared, trying hard to hid his jitteriness. I squinted my already smol eyes at him and looked at Jimin.

"Then why is he asleep?" I asked not satisfied. "Maybe he fell asleep while waiting I dunno" he hissed, shielding Jimin's face away from my view. "While putting on chapstick? Really bitch?" I asked nonchalantly.

Horse face clicked his tongue before harshly dropping Jimin on his bed making him bounce a few times and said, "Listen here, you're no more than just a cook in this palace and you definitely don't deserve to be with him, a prince"

"And I, I loved Jimin first. I knew him before you did so don't you dare to make a move on him" he defended, pointing his finger on my chest in an attempt to threat and provoke me.

I slapped his dirty finger away and looked up at him with anger. "Why would he be with you when he doesn't even love you?!" I pressed.

Before I could say something else, a hard punch landed right on my jaw making me stumble back. Seeing as though I showed no reaction whatsoever, he continued leaving punches.

"Say that sh*t again and you're dead" he smirked, his chest heaving up and down. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth as I see him lifting Jimin up and rushing to the door.

Without looking at him, I slammed the door shut with a swish of my hand as he abruptly came to a stop. "You wanna play huh, lets play" I moved closer to him. He jiggled the knob with all his might but to no avail.

"Goddamnit Yoongi what the hell?!" I motioned both my hands in a chokehold in the air, the air turning against Hoseok and mimicking my actions, smashing his head on the wall and almost choking him.

He let go of Jimin in the process, his hands going up to his neck trying to pry off the seemingly invisible force that was holding onto him.

Grunts were emitted from him as he struggled to breathe. I let my hand go and he finally was able to inhale air into his lungs.

"You dare lay even a finger on Jimin and you'll see Regina here will make her way down your muthaf*ckin throat" referring to my left hand, "And Johnny will force his way up your saggy ass and I'll have them meet like this"

I threatened, repeatedly clashing my fists. Of course we all know im too sweet as sugar for this but who knows am i right.

"You won't do that, my father has a higher degree than you ever will have and he could have parts of you cut off in no time" he snickered.

"Oh I will and just," I kicked my knee upward, the air kneeing the hoe right on his crotch as his body got into a harsh contact with the wall once again, now leaving a slight dent, "...remember that nobody will believe you that I have these powers" I whispered, waving my hands around as white glitter seemed to erupt from nowhere.

"You... You're a witch!!" Hoseok shouted. I shook my head, "Nuh uh fairy actually" I mentally sighed as it came out so gay but ah well if I ain't as straight as a ruler then that's what I'm supposed to be right?

"Now go home you sweedish gummy fish fucker" I harshly wiped the blood that was slowly oozing out of a cut near my jaw.

Hoseok moved back before I heard his rapid footsteps hurrying down the stairs and soon, only Jimin's stable breathing was heard in the room.

I rushed to Jiminnie's side and carefully lifted him onto the bed.  A tiny purple bruise could be seen slowly making its way on his calf, caused from the drop, I think.

"Awhhh Minnie" I whispered, inching myself closer to him in order to inspect his face better. I caressed his forehead as my breath lightly fanned his cheeks.

dun evn know

The Cook (YOONMIN)Where stories live. Discover now