Chapter 3: First encounter

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Lily's Pov:

The bus ride felt like forever, so much traffic, and kids throwing things. Finally the bus driver just had to make one more stop. A very big and beautiful mansion, A nice tall, muscular, brown haired, very sexy young man came out of the mansion. "Come on kid." the bus driver said as he walked out of his house. There were no available seats so he was forced to sit next to me. He seemed like the popular kind of kid he had people all over the bus calling him over to them. I guess it felt like kind of an honor to sit by him.

"Hi." he spoke to me. "Oh hi!" I exclaimed, maybe too loud back at him. "First day of school here, or are you returning?" He asked me. "Oh its my first day here, I'm a freshman, how about you?" I asked. "Oh me? I'm a junior." He said back. "Oh cool." I said back. The whole conversation felt kind of awkward, me talking to a big sexy, popular boy, weird.

The bus came to a sudden stop as we arrived at the high school. "Well If you ever catch me around the school make sure to say hi." He said as everyone was approaching the door to exit the bus. "Oh I will, but uh I never caught your name?" I said. "Oh right, the names Mason, and yours?", "My name is Lily." I answered back. "Ok Lily well see you soon." he said with a smirk and a gentle wink. I felt my cheeks turning red from being winked at for one of the first times by just a handsome gentleman.

I was the last one to walk out of the bus. The minute I walked out I was greeted by 2 nice teachers, they introduced themselves as, Mrs. Ryan, and ,Mr. Hammond. They told me the basics of the school. It seemed odd as if they knew my situation to help me out or something, because no one else was receiving help. I then walked with my schedule in my hand to my first period class, Debate.

I took my seat in a big room of people. I looked around to see if I could find Mason, No sign of him. I guess he doesn't like debate I thought to myself. Just then, the door to the debate room closed and a chubby, pretty, teacher, came in. "Hello Class sorry I'm a little late, my name is Mrs. Underwood nice to meet you all, and welcome to your homeroom class." She said. She seemed like a pretty nice teacher, she seemed fun, I'll look forward to this class for sure. "Ok well for the first day of school obviously there is no debate, so for today I will allow you to take your time to get to know each other, I am gonna do attendance, so when I call your name just say here or raise your hand." the teacher said.

She went through a whole list of kids names, she then came across my name, I raised my name indicating I was present. She then called for the name Mason. No response. "Well I guess some kids are skipping, the first day of school." she said shaking her head in disappointment. Weird is he really skipping? All thoughts went through my head of why he's not here. Maybe he's sick and called for his mom to pick him up? Maybe he got hurt and went to the nurse? Is he really skipping? All my thinking went to rest when the bell rang. "Ok class see you guys the day after tomorrow." I grabbed my belongings and went to my next class.

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