The Accidental Stabbing

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Lockwood's POV

My oxygen was cutting off and I was getting weaker by the minute.

With one last burst of strength I shoved Lucy off me. She rolled across the floor and I immediately felt guilty. What if I had hurt her?

She got up though, and barreled right for me. I grabbed my rapier and hopped to my feet. She caught me off guard, my rapier flew out of my hand.

And lodged itself in Lucy's shoulder.

I don't know who screamed louder.

George's POV


I burst out of the room I was in and dashed into the next one.

Lucy was on her knees, clutching her shoulder, which had a rapier sticking out of it.

Lockwood was checking on her, pale faced. He kept muttering "What have I done? Lucy, what have I done?"

Holly came in right after me. She gasped at the sight of it all. "Lucy! Lockwood! What happened!"

"I'll tell you what's gonna happen!" Lucy shouted "I'm going to kill you all!" She leapt to her feet but winced at the pain in her shoulder and slumped to the ground.

Holly rushed over but tripped over a loose floor board.

I studied the flooring. The board Holly tripped over was half-way raised and I could see something white underneath.

"Hey," I said "help me lift this board." I grabbed a crowbar from my belt and, with help from Holly, we pried the board loose from the floor.

Inside was a skeleton of what looked to be a woman judging from the strands of blonde hair coming from it's head.

Holly grabbed a Seal from her belt and threw it over the skeleton.

Lucy slumped over, fully unconscious.

To Be Continued...(again)

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