Chapter 1

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When I woke up that morning, I realized two things. The first, was that all the power was out which meant my alarm clock didn't go off and second, that my little sister was in bed with me. Lilly was curled up at my back with her tiny hands grabbing at my tank top. I reached over and stroked her short black hair, wondering what nightmare made her crawl into my bed before jumping out and scrambling to change clothes. My clock read 4:23 and I groaned. It had frozen at the time when the power went out and was all wrong. There was no way it was light out and could still be 4 am. Unless of course it was the apocalypse which I highly doubted. I clicked open my phone and almost screamed. My phone clock read 6:56.

"I was supposed to be half an hour ago!" I groaned and pressed my forehead to the phone screen.

"Sarah! Are you up?" My dad called from downstairs. I opened my door and leaned against the railing of the stairs before calling down;

"Yes! The power is out isn't it?"

"Sorry honey!" He called back to me and I tried not to claw out my hair. "Is Lilly with you?"

"Yeah! Make me breakfast?" I pleaded.

"Fine, hurry up!" And with that I charged back to my room and began pulling on jeans and a shirt. Lilly groaned and rolled over in her sleep. I was so jealous of her. She didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn just to get ready to go to school yet. She was only four. Once I had my clothes on, I went to the bathroom and attempted to make my long, tangled black hair look somewhat attractive. I ended up just stuffing it into messy bun before clipping a white bow to the base of it. I didn't even bother with make up and grabbed my backpack. I leaned down down and kissed Lilly's head before pulling the covers over her. Dad would come and get her for her school later. Once I was downstairs, I slipped on my Toms and poked my head into the kitchen to get some food. My dad smiled at my and handed me a cup of coffee and a muffin.

"Thanks dad!" I kissed his cheek before running to the door and screaming;

"Pop! C'mon! We're gonna be late!"

"I'm coming!" He replied before grabbing his keys and kissing Dad goodbye. He smiled at me and smirked.

"Get some good sleep last night?"

"Har har, very funny," I snorted and slid into the passenger seat.

"We have to get that breaker fixed, I'll do it while your at school so your clock will be working tomorrow."

"Thanks Pop," I smiled before clicking my headphones into my iPhone and blasting my music. The rest of the drive was quiet and I was thankful for that. Pop always understood I needed quiet in the morning or I'd start getting pissy while Dad, when he took me to school, always tried to keep a conversation going. I hated getting mad at him but he never understood like Pop did. I started to get fussy as the clock neared 8 am before Pop finally pulled the car into the loop and dropped me off.

"Bye Pop! Oh and Lilly is still in my room," I called as I got out.

"Alright, see you after school!" He smiled and I waved bye before turning to walk into school. I never liked public school in middle school but now high school was around ten times worse. Even on the short trip up the stairs to my classroom, I saw three kids smoking and one couple pinning each other to the railing in a hardcore make out session. I silently wished they'd fall down the stairs. My homeroom was far worse and looked like it could've been featured in an Animal Planet special about crazy baboons. With a sigh I slid into one seat right by the teacher where almost no one sat and began finishing some homework that I forgot to do last night. The rest of the day passed easily until the last period. I walked as slowly as possible to the room and dreaded ever step. The class was sex ed and when I took it in middle school, it was probably the worst experience ever. Not the actually learning was horrible but the kids where. They acted so immature and disgusting that I had wanted to run out and hide. I had a feeling that this quarter would be a lot worse.

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