Chapter 11 (Picture ~ Aquari and Fedo)

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          The border with the Iced Lake was windy and Aquari's paws hurt from changing direction constantly. Him and Fedo had sneaked out of the Pack Meeting to get a head start. Deep down, Aquari knew Taska wasn't going to be in the woods. He'd looked earlier.

          Fedo looked over her shoulder at him but immediately directed her eyes forward again when he caught her eye. It was clear she was still keeping her distance. He winced visibly. Shaking his head, he sped up. He wasn't quite sure if it was to catch up with Fedo or to find Taska quicker but either way it would sort a problem.

          "Fedo?" He breathed, his soft voice making her flinch. She rolled her eyes and he could tell that this time her anger wasn't fake.

          "Look, if you're coming over to apologise, forget it. I was just pranking you and you had the right to be angry. But really? That much anger? I'm not sure that's natural," She flinched again as his fur brushed her flank.

          "Y-you're scared of me?" Guilt and disgust pierced his stomach and he gasped, collapsing onto the floor. Shocked, Fedo stumbled but managed to turn around, regaining her balance.

          "Aquari?" Desperation filled her voice, "Aquari can you hear me?" His body was racked with a shudder and Fedo's eyes grew wide with disbelief. Before he could withstand another shiver, his body turned limp and his eyes fluttered open.

          "What just happened...?" Confusion swept across his face. Fedo backed away, her brow furrowed. "F-Fedo?"

          "That... that wasn't normal," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "Maybe I should go and get help."

          "NO!" Aquari's sudden anger surprised her and she flinched again, "I'm sorry Fedo, I don't know what's wrong with me. Something's happening and I'm not quite sure what. But whatever it is seems to be taking over."

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