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november 13, 2016

phllstr: How you doin sweaty ?

danhowel.l: don't call me sweaty

phllstr: Awe why not ?

danhowel.l: just because.

phllstr: Okay okay. You still didn't answer my question, how are you doing ?

danhowel.l: don't really wanna talk about myself right now,, what have you been up to?

phllstr: Uhm okay. Well, I have stayed home for the past two days, and just a quick question. How old are you?

danhowel.l: i'm 25 and yes i'm still in university.

phllstr: Oh well I'm 29 and my birthday is in January

danhowel.l: mine is in june, can we not talk about the day we came out of our mother's vagina ??

phllstr: Hey, someone could've been born by a C-Section don't assume anything

danhowel.l: well then did your mom need a c-section ?

phllstr: No..

danhowel.l: exactly

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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