Introducing my self

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I am going to star by saying thank you for read my account. I really appreciate.
Well, My name is Catalina and I am 15, turning 16 on December 4th.
I am from Viña del Mar, Chile.
I am studying abroad in NY since September 18th until February 18th, exactly 5 months.
I made the decision to come here by myself and luckily I had the financial support of my Dad.
I am starting this blog because I love write and share what I think and also because writing in english helps me a lot to improve my writing skills.
I chose New York because I have been here already and I think it's a city that makes you escape from the reality, walking around NY it feels like a movie, you feel like you are in a runway and it's just something magical. I am living a dream.
I prefer stay on campus rather than a Host family because the campus experience is more alike university and I want to prepare myself before I come over college. Also one of the biggest advantages living on campus is that you can sleep more time. Because not all the host families live close to school, some of them are 30 minutes far away walking and that means that you have to sleep less. On campus you also have a cafeteria where you can choose a lot of things, like fruits and healthy stuff, or you can go to the unhealthy side and get a pizza, ice cream and all kind of drinks. The food here it's way more better than I expected, it's not like wow, but it's not gross either.
My schedule it's good, I have a lot of free time to study, go to the gym, read and write here:)
Hope you enjoy.
If you have any question or comment just fill me in the comments below.
I like to help people who wants to do an exchange year as well.

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