Fuck The Past Four Years

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I met you my freshman year.
We started off fine until you left me for another girl.
That was mistake number one.
I hadn't known you long enough but I knew that it hurt when you left.
It hurt when you left me for another girl, that is until you came waltzing right back in my life.
We were together once again but this time for well over a year.
One year full of screaming and crying because I could not be seen with another boy, the mention of a boy made you go haywire.
I spent this year alone, with you.
Except you weren't there.
You were drifting away and as I poured my heart to you, you simply said "We need time"
I gave you time, another year.
We were still not apart and I told you I loved you every single day only for you to fall so short.
So I gave up, I said goodbye to you and as my heart ached walking away you simply nodded and smiled.
Saying that "I got bored of you anyway." So you went on to the next one.
— J.Z

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