"Will You Be My Valentine?" Contest Entry

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Hey guys!

So, this is for a contest on Meg Cabot's fan writing website thingy.  Please tell me what you think!



Will you be my Valentine?

Those five sickeningly sweet words revolved around the most controversial holiday known to man (and woman).

Valentine’s Day.

On Valentine’s Day, you fell into one of two categories.  You’re either the person with that significant other who you just can’t wait to kiss all the way to your romantic candlelit dinner, or you’re that person who sits at home, alone, watching romantic comedies and eating the chocolates you bought for yourself.

I fell into the second category.  Because, let’s face it – I, Lacey Hart, hate Valentine’s Day.

That was the only thought running through my head as I walked down the halls of Washington Boulevard High School, located on a run-down street, in a run-down town, in the middle of nowhere.

“So, Lacey, what are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”

I groaned and turned around to see my best friend, Hailey, staring at me with a teasing grin.

“Oh you know, I have this really hot date,” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She laughed.  “No, seriously.  We could always hang out if you want to…” she trailed off.

I gave her a flat look.  “You’re not going to blow off Travis for me, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Well, he could come too!”

“Hah, yeah, because being a third wheel is on the top of my to-do list.”

Hailey shrugged.  “Okay, whatever you say.”

When we reached my locker, I crumpled a flyer announcing the Valentine’s Dance that night and threw it into the nearest trash can.  Sighing, I turned back to face Hailey.  “I just can’t wait for this stupid holiday to be over.  Who cares about Cupid anyways?”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled.  “You could start, you know, if you’d just let me set you up with-“

Before she could finish, I cut her off.  “No.  I’m good, thank you Hail.”

Hailey raised her eyebrows.  “You sure about that, ‘cause I know there are plenty of guys here that would make you their Valentine in a heartbeat.”

“Keep being optimistic Hailey.  It’ll get you everywhere in life.”

She laughed at my comment as Travis came up behind her and looped his arms around her waist, kissing her on the cheek.  “Good morning Beautiful,” he said, handing her a single rose.

Hailey’s eyes lit up as she inhaled the sweet scent of the rose.  “It is now!” she replied cheekily.

He chuckled and looked over to me.  “Hey Lace.”

“Hey Trav.”  We smiled at each other just as the bell rang.

“Well, I guess that means I have to get going.  Bye guys!”  He kissed Hailey goodbye and walked off towards his first period class.

I closed my locker and started to walk off with Hailey when Brandon, a boy in my English Lit. class walked up to me.

“H-hey, Lacey? Can I ask you a question?” he stuttered.

“Sure, I guess,” I said.  Hailey winked at me and walked a little ways down the hall, mouthing I’ll wait down here.  When she was far enough away, Brandon turned back towards me.

“S-so, I was wondering…” he looked at me and trailed off.  My mind whirred with possibilities; the main one being is he going to ask me to be his Valentine?  My question was answered seconds later.

Nodding his head towards Hailey, he said “Is your friend free?”

I banged my head against my locker and groaned.

Yep, I hate Valentine’s Day.

"Will You Be My Valentine?" Contest EntryWhere stories live. Discover now