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Five times Derek caught Stiles smoking and One time the pack did.

Void left the pack a little uneasy, but most of all it left Stiles a little angry, and..broken. The pack watches him at school, just to keep an eye on him, and I visit him everyday after school. The pack says he is doing well, he's back to his sarcastic self, laughing and joking, but I know better. I watch him at home(yes I know creepy), but I see how he treats himself when he thinks no one is watching. Most days it's disheartening...

Today is no different.

Perched on his windowsill my eyes follow the line of smoke exiting his mouth. I watch as he bring the end of a cigarette to his mouth and inhales a deep breath, holds it, and then exhales slow and calm.

"I don't do it often." Is the first thing he says. He doesn't turn to look at me, just flicks the end of the bud into his neighbors yard.

"Smoking of the sheriffs ruff, takes a lot of guts." I say as I move to sit next to him. He just hums. I frown at his response I expected a laugh. A few minutes pass in silence, before Stiles moves to take another one out of the pack.

"Does Scott know you smoke?"

"Like I said, I don't do it often."

"So that would be a no."

"Yep" he pops the p and brings the end to he mouth and lights it with one fluid motion. "Why then?"

"Sometimes I can't handle what goes on in my own head." He pause to breath in the smoke and than exhale it. "I remember everything. Twisting the knife is Scott, throwing you against a wall. It all plays in my head like a constant tape." Inhale and exhale, my eyes follow the smoke.

I sit there and watch him till the cigarette is gone. He lays his head on my shoulder and we sit in silence till he falls asleep.

I could smell when I entered his room. The Pack just rebuilt my family old house and everyone just recently moved in. Stiles's room was one of the two that is on the very top floor. The two rooms are the biggest in the house. Big enough to fit two couches, a table, a desk, a king bed, and a whole wall of bookcases.

Some how when the house was being built Stiles got ahold of the blue prints, and asked me if he could have one of the two. Me not caring, they where going to be used for storage anyway, gave it to him.

Opening the door, I find papers of unfinished home work, research on the ground around the desk, and many open books across the floor by the couches. The volume of tv on the wall is low. His bed is unmade, sheets everywhere and comforter on the ground. I breath out a sigh, he had another restless night.

Turn to my left I find one of the five widows open. Already knowing it's the window that leads to the ruff, I open it more and clime out.

I see the smoke before I see him. I sit down next to him like I did two years ago.

"I don't know dude!" Stiles throws his hands up in the air as the bud stays in his mouth. "I can't find a single clue on what is kill all these people, and then I have a paper due in the morning and I haven't started on it. How am I supposed to think about Plato when there is a thing running through the woods killing people! How am I supposed to think when you guys are out hunting it down, what if one you dies! What is my dad dies because he is looking for it!"

"I'm not helping because there is nothing in those damn books! If I can't research, I can't do anything! And if I can't do anything, I'm just the damn token human!" I feel my eyebrows raise up to my hair line. How could Stiles not seen how important he is to the pack. He is the glue that keeps us together, the one to crack and joke to make some laugh when they are sad, the one to make sure all of us eat. He is the most important player, how could he not see that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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