Wh-what happened?

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It should've been a normal morning, he should've woken up normal. It'd make complete sense, after all, he fell asleep normal, he slept normal with normal dreams so why would he wake up in this condition, so abnormal.
It started normal, he felt normal, sorta. His hands felt a bit smaller as they reached to shut his alarm off, but that wasn't supposed to feel the same every time, right? He got out of bed like normal, his unnoticeably smaller feet making the same thud they always did. The shuffling was normal, it wasn't until he looked in his mirror that he noticed his everything was smaller.
It took all his sheer will power not to shriek in surprise. He frantically looks at everything, his hands, arms, legs, feet, he felt his face even, he was desperate to find something that was right and normal. With no success he panicked and ran over to his nightstand hopping to grab his phone. After some minutes he managed it, he immediately dialed in the first number that came to mind.
"KYOOOOOYAAAA!!!!" "Not so loud Kouichi, you best count yourself lucky it's only me at the breakfast table or else everyone else would've heard you, now what's wrong?" Kouichi took a few breaths hoping to calm himself down but all it did was spark an urge to break down into tears. He sniffled, "Kyooooyaaa, th-there's an e-emewgency," he paused sniffling again, hearing his voice squeaky didn't help his want to cry.
"Well? What's wrong?" Kouichi couldn't bring himself to say it and shatter his pride so instead he said, "I'll tell you in a few mintes but fiwst...... can you give me a wride to school? My uh..... limo dwibew is sick," his older cousin sighed, "Sure why not."
Kouichi hung up immediately after, one disaster out of the way,many more to come. He struggled to reach the handle of his wardrobe. He looked behind him to find on of his maids already had one laid out. He sighed face plaming before putting the over sized clothes on. He grabbed his school book and ran out thankfully going unnoticed by his mother or father.
The first look from his cousin was complete and utter shock, "What happened to you?" "I-I don't know! I went to bed a-and I wowke up like this!" "Well, this certainly is an issue, however," he trailed off picked up the four year old, "this could be very profitable to the club," Kouichi glared as cold as his little face could allow him, "You think of monwey at the wowstest times," "Oh think about it like this, now you're truly my little baby cousin," Kyoya smirked as Kouichi growled a squeaky growl, he then got in the limo setting the tot in his lap and buckling them both up. Kyoya chuckled, "You're outfit is far to big on you now, we'll have to see if we have anything that'll fit you better," Kouichi groaned covering his face with his little, little hands.
Once at school Kyoya carried the smaller raven haired boy in going straight to music room three, "Kyoya, there you are, you were almost late, and why do you have a little child with you?" his best friend, Tamaki, asked approaching, "And where's Kouichi, he's usually here by now," the girl Kouichi was dating, Makio, asked concerned. The mention of his name made the now four year old host nuzzle closer which makes the older cousin smirk, "Why he's right here, there was a bit of a mysterious mishap with him and now he's a four year old," he explained pulling the small child away, Makio and Tamaki both gasped. "Ohhhh he's so cuuuuuuute!" they gushed in unison, Kouichi groaned, "Please, don't wemind me that I'm like this," "I decided the host room would be the best place for him, firstly to see if there were any outfits that'd fit him better," "I got you covered, Kyoya Senpai," Makio waving her hand dismissively before walking over to a closet, she dug around until pulling out a little sailor outfit.
Kouichi's face lit up a bright red, "Why do you even have that?" "My brother and I were in a lot of pageants," she explained shrugging before gently taking the small boy from his cousin, "I'll help him get dressed, you guys need to set up, your customers will be here any moment now," Kyoya nodded in agreement, "Very well, but we'll need him back in here, he could be very useful in the hosting," Makio giggled and nodded, "Will do," she carried him off to a changing room. Kouichi groaned laying his head on her shoulder, "I can walk, babe," "I know, just better to be safe than sorry, I don't want you getting hurt," "I'm not going to get huwt by walking, I've known how since I was one," "I'm sorry, I just want to help," Kouichi sighed softly, "I know babe, I'm sowwy to have sunded so mean to you, just, I'm not actlly fouw."
Makio smiled a bit as she started swapping out his uniform for the sailor outfit, "Well, you do look like one and sound like one," she giggled as she finished the last bit of the outfit, "There we are! Oh you're just too cute!" she said happily. Kouichi sighed covering his face.
It startled him when she picked him back up, he immediately clung on as if scared he'd fall, "Wh-what are you dowing, deaw?" he asked embarrassedly, she giggled, "Kyoya said he wanted you back out here, something about being helpful while hosting," she smiled as they stepped out.
It was the usual set up, each host with their own set of girls, the twins ran up, insisting the ladies follow, "Aww Kaoru, look at how cute he is," Hikaru said quickly taking the raven haired boy away from the safety of his girlfriend's arms. Hikaru acted like he didn't notice Kaoru looking upset until last minute.
"Kaoru, what's wrong?" he asked stroking his brother's cheek with care, "I was just thinking Hikaru, that you'd like me better if I was small like him," "Kaoru, I love you just the way you are," Hikaru said softly turning Kaoru's head so he was facing him. "Hikaru," the other whimpered softly. The fangirls went crazy. To save the smaller boy, Kyoya gently took him away from Hikaru and brought him over with him.
The small toddler was grateful to be with his big cousin. Kyoya willingly let him cuddle closer, "Aw, Kyoya Senpia, you're so good with him," one girl said smiling, "But of course, he is my baby brother after all," the ladies gasped, "You have a baby brother?" "Indeed, his name is Shiro which means "fourth son", he's very shy I'm afraid, but I just couldn't resist not bringing him today, he usually cries if I don't," Kyoya's lips played between a smirk and smile as he felt Kouichi's tiny fist hit his arm, "Aww you must take such good care of him," "Indeed I do, in fact, just the other week he was sick, as soon as I got home I went straight to him and nursed him back to health, he especially liked the stories I told him."
The small boy unhappily stayed with Kyoya for a good while, until Tamaki ran up, "Kyoya!! Kyoya! Its almost noon," Kyoya naturally caught on to what Tamaki was suggesting. He smirked, "So it is, I'm sure he's starving," Kyoya motioned over Makio and whispered something in her ear. She nodded running off to do as he asked.
The small child had a bad feeling of every thought that it could be, "Kyooyaa, Kyooooooyaaa," "Yes? What is it, baby brother?" "Wh-what did you tell hew, what'd she go and get?" "Why your lunch, of course, did you not hear Tamaki? It's noon which means time for your lunch," the boy sighed laying his head on his shoulder waiting on his girlfriend to return. He hid away seeing what she brought with her when she did.
It was a blue sippy cup and a plastic plate with the theme of turtles and a plastic fork, to eat was dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and broccoli. The raven haired boy turned his nose up at the food, "No, I don't want to weat that," "Why ever not? Look, the chicken nuggets are shaped like dinosaurs," coaxed the older cousin and set his younger cousin in a kiddie chair at a small square table decorated with cars. "Makio, make sure he eats everything, the broccoli especially," Kyoya asked, Makio nodded smiling sitting next to her ity bity boyfriend. "Aww cmon...... Shiro," Makio said going along with the false name, "it'd make Kyoya happy if you eat them," Kouichi glared and stubbornly shoved the plastic plate away, "I don't cawe! I'm not weating it! Secially not the bwocl... bwoci.....b-bwolc......th-the ittle twees!!!"
"They're not that bad, really," Makio tried to reason scooping one up on the fork, "C'mon, these will make you grow up big and strong just like your.. brother," she encouraged bringing the fork holding the vegetable closer to his lips. Kouichi's nose scrunched up in disgust, he smacked the fork and broccoli away from himself, "I said no, I don't like the ittle twees, and so I don't wanta weat them," "Makio sighed getting another fork, "...Shiro, come on, that's how Kyoya got so big and strong," "Nooooho!!! I don't have to weat them if I don't wanta!! 'Eave me aloned!"
"Uh oh, sounds like someone's having a little tantrum over here," the twins said simultaneously. "Aww what's wrong little guy? Do you not like the broccoli?" Kaoru asked, though it sounded sweet, Kouichi could see past the act, the twins were mocking him. He tried pushing them away but with his very little body strength it was impossible. "No I don't! I don't wanta weat them and no one can make me!" he stated poutily, crossing his arms over his chest. Hikaru shrugged and picked up a chicken nugget looking over its shaped form, "So I'm guessing you don't want the chicken either then, huh?"
"No, I don't, I would if it weren't in shapes but they awe so I don't wanta them," "Oh but they're super delicious," Makio spoke up again trying to convince the tot, he glared, "Finwal wowd, no," "I might have a way to get him to eat!" Tamaki proclaimed walking over to the table where many of the customers had drawn their attention to.
He picked up the fork and scooped up another piece of broccoli, "Now watch closely everyone, this is how you can get any impossible child to eat," he explained. The host club king held the fork far away at first, "Oh Shiro, open the tunnel for the choo-choo train, here it comes," he cooed as he proceeded to make train noises and bring it closer to the child's mouth, right when Tamaki held it a few inches away Kouichi turned his head refusing to eat the vegetable.
Tamaki stood dumbfounded, he hadn't expected the raven haired child to turn his head away, he chuckled nervously, "Uhh here comes the train," he said trying the tactic again. Kouichi glared and turned to face the king and picked the veggie up and shoved it in Tamaki's mouth as he was making a noise. Tamaki froze up. He improvised and slowly chewed and swallowed.
"Oh how d-delicious, thank you for sharing...." Kouichi giggled happily in delight, Tamaki smirked and took that opportunity to feed the broccoli to the child. His laughter automatically ceased as he tensed only for a moment before spitting it out on the plastic, turtle plate. "No! We don't spit it out," Tamaki scolded.
Kouichi growled and picked up a chicken nuggets and threw it at Tamaki. The host king immediately went to his emo corner to sulk which only earned more childish giggles from Kouichi, the girls all awwed and laughed, Kouichi grinned enjoying the attention he was getting until he saw the glare of his older cousin, the shadow king. Kouichi's smile and laughter died down.
"A-am I in twouble Kyoooyaa?" Kyoya pushed his glasses up, "Yes, you most definitely are," Kouichi shifted nervously and pulled one of his regular cards with Kyoya, acting like he was going to cry, "B-but I didn't mean to. I-it was an ackident, it was suposted to be funny,"  "None the less you hurt Tamaki's feeling which will not go unpunished."
"Aww go easy on him, Kyoya, he is just a little boy," one girl pleaded. Kouichi clung to Makio as Kyoya pondered. Finally he sighed and looked at Makio, as if reading his mind she stood up holding Kouichi close, "He needs to sit in a corner for.... 15 minutes, after that he may get back up and eat his lunch like a good boy, if he's learned his lesson that is," hearing this absolutely shattered the boy's heart, he tried his hardest not to give into his childish tendencies but it was in vain as his bottom lip began to tremble and few tears leaked out. Makio frowned and rubbed his back, "Aww shhh.... don't cry, it's ok, it's only for 15 minutes," she took her precious time to bring him to the corner.
The longer Kouichi had to sit staring at the wall, the more his sadness melted into anger, how dare his cousin not only humiliate him by telling the host club about his "condition" and insist on treating him like he was a four year old but now to punish him like one. 'I'm not a four year old, I'm not. I'm a big kid, a big fifteen year old' he thought bitterly to himself as he squirmed waiting for his childish punishment to finally be over.
Fifteen minutes took longer than Kouichi would've liked, but regardless, when it was up he was carried back over to his kiddie chair and table and presented with a new plate of his lunch. He had his plan, he was going to make his cousin rue treating him like some little kid who couldn't do anything for himself. Kouichi looked at the meal and picked up another nasty piece of broccoli and flung it straight at the back of Kyoya's head, bulls eye.
Now with his cousin's undivided attention he started throwing it at random. Some hit the twins, others hit Tamaki, even the guests, and Makio too.
Kyoya was quickly growing tired of his younger cousin's juvenile game, however two could play the game and if one was going to be the child, the other would have to be the adult. Kyoya snuck out quickly and came back with the third plate, this one however was decorated in Winnie The Pooh with a matching fork, it also was missing the chicken, this one only bared cut up broccoli pieces.
Kouichi had been gleefully laughing at the mess he had made, Kyoya picked him up smiling scarily and fake, "Is that funny, little one? Do you enjoy making messes?" Kouichi figured it was nothing and nodded still giggling, "Good, but now it's lunch time which means you need to eat," Kyoya sat at a different chair, one he could fit in, and scooped up multiple of the cut up vegetable pieces, "Now you can either open your mouth and eat this like a big boy or I can feed you like how I'd need to with a baby, your choice," Kouichi glared not believing his cousin was still insisting on treating him like a baby. He merely stuck his tongue out at the older.
Kyoya smirked, he knew Kouichi wouldn't fall for the funny faces no matter how childish he could be, however, he never could resist tickling. The older cousin playfully dug his fingers into the child's sides making him squeal, squirm and laugh. Kyoya smirked having his younger cousin right where he wanted him. He quickly shoved the food into his mouth. He knew Kouichi would try to spit it out, so he warningly glared.
The younger hesitantly swallowed gagging afterwards, Kyoya held another fork full close to his mouth, he poutily glared but opened his mouth just slightly.
Kyoya smirked and fed it to him a few pieces falling off, wanting to embarrass his cousin he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "Goodness, you're so messy, aren't you," he grabbed a napkin to gently wipe the boy's face. Kouichi flinched away from it on instinct.
Soon enough the first set of ladies left and the small host's lunch was gone. He yawned rubbing his eyes, Kyoya chuckled, "Now that lunch is over, I believe it's someone's nap time," Kouichi shook his head hold his arms out to be picked up by Makio which she happily complied to. "Its n-not me, Kyooyaaaa," "It is to you," he stated waving for Makio to lay him on one of the couches, he whined shaking his head as Makio carried him over to it. "I-it's not meeeeehee!" he stated sleepily, hugging Makio as tightly as his little body would allow him to. Makio smiled a bit and pet his hair, "Then who is it?" she asked playfully, "T-Tama-Chan and Kyooooyaaa," Makio slowly rocked him making a yawn leave the boy's throat, regardless she continued talking to him, "Are you sure it's them?" "Y-yes! Definitely," "How do you know?" "Ummmm well Kyoya's gwumpy and Tama-chan is wh-whiney," "And you aren't sleepy at all?" "N-no, cause I'm a big b-bowy, and big bowy's don't need nappy times," "I see," she said softly petting his hair.
"So does that mean Kyoya Senpai and Tamaki Senpai are little boys since they need naps?" she smiled hearing a sleepy giggle escape, "Y-yeah," "Well why don't you be a big boy and show the little boys what they need to do?" he mumbled tiredly, "Do I gotta?" "Yeah, you should be a big boy and show them," Kouichi whine but in a matter of few minutes he was fast asleep. "How'd you get him to sleep so fast?" "Easy, you gotta know what'll convince him and with his small body he can't stay awake as long," she explained giggling, Kyoya nodded humming in thought before leaving them be.
It all ran smoothly until Kouichi started moving and whimpering until waking with a scream followed by wails 55 minutes later.

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