3. Loss

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Strong are the people who fight, 

Don't give up, and follow the guiding light.

‌ Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
Just as the high and low tides, when on a cruise.

To step up in life, we need to learn to step down,
But that, won't make a difference to our crown.

After failure we all grieve and grin,
Unaware that the next opportunity is one we could win.

Behind every loss there is a lot to learn,
Which grooms us to work hard and yearn.

Post battles that we have lost,
Always comes strength as a forever host.

Losses are not for us to cry and curl,
But another chance for us to shine like a pearl.

As consequences for our mistakes, loss is the price,
But there always is a possibility to rise.

Even carbon so black constitutes diamond sparkling white,
Losses give us ladders to climb, and are ultimate reasons of delight.

Losses are not to dishearten,
But here for our brains to sharpen,
And for our spirits to strengthen.

They do lead to wrecks in our brain,
And are causes of severe pain,
But without a loss there can't be a gain.

We ought to remember that,
Loss is not a portrait of our plight,
But symbolises a future so bright.



Author's note
Peeps basically for all those who are fallen in love, life, anywhere. Remember we are priceless people who are blessed to be born on this planet and we deserve every bit of what we get in life. There are people who care about us so fight for them. Live and spread love. Never ever ever give up cuz there are people having your backs. Love you guys.
Do show some love and tell me about my pieces.

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