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Eva pov

I was dead so dead. The worst nightmare that fate could conjure up was stalking towards me. Maxim Horvath was walking toward our table in the coffee shop near NYU. I grabbed Becky's hand and squeezed it twice. That was the signal the five of us agreed on. She squeezed Dave's hand. He squeezed Veronica's. Veronica squeezed Balthazar's and he looked at me. I cocked me head in the direction of Horvath. He nodded. "Sit this one out and stay with Becky." Dave said. Becky punched him on the shoulder. "Ow. What was that for?" he said. "You know for the Prime Merlinian you are weak. Physically I mean." I said when he glared. "I can protect myself." Becky said. "Please I'm the fourth most powerful Merlinian in the world and I'm scared. " I said. Horvath changed course and went to a shady corner booth. "Morganian meeting." I sighed.

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