<< Chapter 1 >>

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"Raven, your shifts over. Go home." My boss hollered from the back room of the cafe.

I sighed in relief, finishing up the table I was wiping. After that I hurried to the break room where I had my items in a small locker. I quickly opened it taking off my apron and put it in the locker then grabbed my bag, slipping it over my shoulder then I closed the locker back and then made my way out the back exit. I've been anxiously waiting for my shift to end so I can head over to the guitar shop to purchase the guitar of my dreams. I've always wanted to learn but my family was too poor to buy me one. Anyways, I don't work too far from the mall.

In the meantime, I got my iPod from my pocket and shuffle played my music. I quickly walked down the street and found myself softly singing along to a Fall Out Boy song. I don't really care what people think of my singing, if I like a song I'm gonna sing it. It didn't take long to reach the mall, while walking across the parking lot I put away my iPod. I reached the glass doors and I walked in, heading straight for Guitar Center. I've saved up about 700$, so I hope I can get a descent guitar.

Once I reached the store, I walked in and the surroundings were definitely more chill. Guitars scattered throughout the store, along with other accessories. An old punk song played throughout the speakers. I made my way to the fender section, there was another guy checking out the guitars. He wore an old band shirt and black skinny jeans. He turned and looked at me as I stood next to him and started looking at them all.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see that he kept glancing over at me as if he wanted to ask me something. After a minute he finally spoke.

"What are you looking for?" He asked me.

I shrugged "I don't know, I've never played one before so I don't really know what to get." I told him truthfully.

He nodded and crossed his arms. "I don't work here but I have a lot of experience with guitars so trust me when I say that you should go with a Fender Strat. That was my first guitar." He told me with a proud smile.

I just nodded with a small smile. "I'll take your word for it." I said and then reached forward to grab a red guitar with a whit pick guard. I messed around with it and the guy still stayed by me but he had a guitar in hand. I turned and looked at him, watching as he started strumming a fast but simple tune. It was amazing and sounded very familiar.

I grinned and when he was finished he looked up at me and seen me. He laughed.

"I guess you liked that huh?" He asked and I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, what song was that? I think I've heard it before." I asked him.

"It's called Basket Case."

As soon as those words came from his mouth, memories flooded my mind of me watching the video on TV, which the man in front of me looked just very similar to the one in the video. I put two and two together and holy shit he has to be the guy.

"That's your song? Right?" I questioned. He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm Billie." He said and held out his and for me to shake. I shook it.

"I'm Raven." I told Billie and he smiled.

"Do you want to hangout sometime? You seem pretty cool honestly." He asked me and I could t help but laugh and find his excuses ridiculous, but I didn't deny his offer.

So I nodded yet again. "Yeah, I'd love too."

He grinned. "Great. Uhh, I guess I'll hangout with you until you leave them I'll give you my number." He said and I agreed.


We walked around the store for a while as I tried out many different guitars. Billie and I got to know each other a little bit, we talked about his band and all that. He seems like a really cool guy and I can't believe that I'm talking to a guy that's in a famous band. I mean c'mon that's some serious life goals. Anyways, I finally decided on a sunburst fender strat, and settled on a small simple amp. It came up to 600$ so I'm happy with my decisions. As the cashier put my guitar in a case that I purchased since I had to carry it home along with a amp.

"Are you sure you can carry these home. I can call a taxi for you or something." Billie said to me but I smiled and turned down the offer.

"Im fine Billie." I assured him as I grabbed my guitar and amp. We both walked towards the door and he held it open for me.

"It was nice meeting you, I look forward to hanging out sometime." I said to him and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Me too Raven. I'll text you later." He said and walked away.

I smiled to myself and started walking down the street. I can't believe I met the lead singer of Green Day. I don't really know much about that band but from what I heard they're really good. The best of all, he likes me! This all so overwhelming, just wait until my roommate finds out. She'll probably think I'm insane. Ha! Jokes on her I got proof.  Anyways I'm just really looking forward to when Billie and I can hang out again. I hope this all goes well.

When I got back to my apartment building I trudged up the steps. Billie was right. Carrying this guitar and amp is very tiring. When I got up on the second floor to stopped outside door number 3 and kicked it lightly with.

"Open up Lana, my hands are full!" I shouted hoping she was awake. Thankfully after a few seconds she opened up the door and gave me a weird look.

"Why the hell did you get a guitar?" She asked me confusingly.

Lana had on gray sweatpants with a faded band shirt and her brown hair was put up in a messy bun.

"Because I want to learn guitar. Duh!" I said in a obvious tone.

She moved out of the doorway and I walked in putting my amp and guitar against the wall next to the tv in the living room and then I walked over to the sofa and flopped down in exhaustion. I sat my bag on the floor next to my feet and grabbed my phone, putting it beside me on the armrest of the sofa.

"You'll never guess what happened today!" I said with excitement in my voice.

She looked at me with a smirk. "What happened Raven?"

"You'll never believe it, but have you heard of Green Day?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Duh! Their new song is killer!" She said with utter happiness.

I laughed. "Well, I met the lead singer today, and he gave me his number." I told her with a proud smile.

She rolled her eyes. "You're full of shit." She said and walked into the kitchen.

"No I'm serious, look I can show you." I said and held up my iPhone to show her. Billies contact displayed across the screen.

Her jaw dropped. "Your joking, right?"

I grinned. "Nope! and he wants to hangout with me sometime." I said rubbing it in her face.

Lana shook her head with a grin. "I can't believe it. That's good for you though. Maybe he'll lighten up your life." She said and sat down next to me, grabbing the remote to channel surf.

"Yeah, maybe. . ." I said trailing off. It's too early to tell, for all I know he could be married, or have a girlfriend and he could just wants to be friends.

A/N: hope you liked this chapter. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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