44. Home Sweet Home

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"Our house is like a mental asylum"

No it's not, it's like a prison"

"No, it's like a mental asylum. The house is our hospital. The people whom come over are our visitors. Coming to check up on us, making sure we're okay.
Our rooms are where our pain is kept. Mom is locked in her room suffering from her mental illness. Our brother is stuck in his room suffering from his mental illness. Our little sister is locked in her room suffering from her mental illness. You're in your room suffering from your mental illness. And me, I'm in the same position as everyone else.
Our surveillance camera is God himself. We constantly scream and cry that, "we're okay! we want to get out! we want you to save us!" but we haven't gotten a response.
As soon as we get to step out of our box we still feel like we're not free. We have this load of stress on us: school, work, finnacial stuggles, our family.
We're walking around like zombies. No source of emotion. Just the hunger for happiness in our lives.
It's crazy isn't it? How we can't have nice things in our home anymore..."

- Jendal

(this is based off a convo me and my older sister had. can you guess who is me speaking??)

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