Ice Skating

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      Skating was not something that one Alexander Hamilton indulged in. It was not a case of him not liking the sport; more rather, he didn't like the cold. He wasn't used to it. It was never in his plans to even step foot into one such a rink, it wasn't a priority in his mind. He'd had much better things to do; essays for college, writing, glaring emptily at the ceiling until he had more inspiration to write, write some more.. to name a few things.

      Yet now.. Now, he stood just inside downtown New York's only ice-skating rink. His body shook in a small shiver, his exposed neck, hands, and face catching the small chill that seeped through the lobby.

      Alexander blinked lazily, shifting his gait to lean more onto his left side. "May I be free, now..?" He asked plainly, pulling his shirt's collar upward in a useless attempt to warm himself even a little more. Lafayette smiled slightly, skirting ahead of the slightly taller male to the front desk, where he was greeted by a young lady of teen age. "Of course not, mon petite lion! You agreed to come, mon ami, I'd hate to see you break a promise..." He trailed off.

      Alexander had to bite his tongue to stop a fiery retort. He'd never agreed! He'd been dragged. And tied up. With a gag. He stumbled slightly as the bulkier of his companions shouldered past; Hercules Mulligans. The rational part of Alexander's brain supplied him with the idea that Hercules was the brain of the 'master plan' to get Hamilton's 'approval'. However, it had been instilled into the young man since a young age that until proven guilty, you were innocent. But that didn't mean he liked it any better. And it definitely didn't mean he wouldn't fight for what's right. 

      While he was distracted, Hercules snaked his way to the counter. Behind it, the worker turned to ask him the usual questions, but stopped short. "Did you get the ripped ones like I asked??" Hercules whispered. The man, whose name-tag gave away was named Aaron Burr, furrowed his brows, but nodded nonetheless. He grabbed a set of skates placed off to the side, sliding them over the counter. "Please don't kill anyone." Aaron said. Hercules laughed loudly, grabbing the skates and haphazardly threw them over his shoulder to Lafayette, who caught them. "No promises!" He yelled.

      Alexander was brought back from his musings by a pair of skates being thrusted into his face, the blade only inches from his nose. With a startled shout, he stepped backwards, glaring at the one who held them. "What the hell, Laf??" He barked. The french-man in question only laughed, pushing the skates towards him once more. "Put them on, s'il vous plait." He supplied, a childish grin on his face.

      Alexander was about to question why he was pretty much forcing it upon him, when his eyes trailed to his friends' feet; both had already put on their skates, standing easily. "What's the hold up, Alex?" Hercules questioned.

      With a resigned sigh, he grabbed the skates, sitting down on a bench and tugged off his shoes roughly. His toes curled by reflex at the bite of cold that rewarded him. Hercules elbowed him roughly. "Hurry up. I think you'll like the safety-skater here." He waggled his eyebrows to the effect. Alex raised an eyebrow. "Did you all drag me here, just to hook me up with a lady? I've told you, I'm not-" "It's a guy! His name is John." Hercules interrupted. Alexander could tell by their faces they were biting back laughter. "I told you," Alex repeated, "I'm not interested in dating!" Though, Alex thought, it wouldn't matter what gender someone was. Assuming I was interested in romance. I'm not! I have much better things to do. 

      "Well, we never said we were here to get you to date anyone, mon ami! Mauvaise conscience!" Lafayette squealed. "Oooh! Our little Alex is actually looking for someone to Netflix and Chill!" His hands cupped Alex's face. "You should've told us you were looking! We'd have-" "I'm. Not." Alexander hissed, slapping away the Frenchman's hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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