Artificial Intelligence

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Lucy hated sunlight. It was one of her many pet peeves, along with jokes, ice cream, the colour pink, and overall happiness. She was a child of the dark arts, at least, that's what she always said. Damien held a special place in her heart, she had always heard of twins being opposites, one nice, and one mean. That wasn't the case for these kids. They were equally crazy and Lucy liked it that way. Who knew that a simple ghost story could change that?
   "Lucinda, Damien, time to get up!" Their overly cheerful mother sang. Her hair was blond while the kids hair was black. Her skin had a faint sunshiny glow to it, did I mention that Lucy hates sunlight? The twins skin was sickly pale, so pale in fact, that you could see their red and blue veins, twisting and turning throughout their fragile bodies. They looked nothing like their mother and she knew that. And no matter how hard she had tried, they were never happy, ever. But they were hers, at least she thought they were hers.
   "Mother, my brain requires more time to think with its normal proportions." Lucy complained. Emma, their mother, frowned. She didn't like how her children talked, it made her feel incompetent in the speech department. But she quickly shook the thought out of her head and let it land amongst the moist air.
   "Yes mother, it surely cannot be time for the educational system, for only two hours ago it was two after midnight." Damien muttered. For some reason, Damien hated acronyms. They annoyed him to his wits end. Emma glanced at the clock, it was seven. Guess Damien was off for once. Emma smiled.
   "Sorry Danny, but it's time for school." Damien eyebrow quirked at the nickname but nevertheless, he got up. His uncovered feet hit the dusty attic ground and he yawned. Now don't start thinking that Emma is a monster, their were other rooms, but the twins insisted they sleep in the attic when they were five. Okay, Emma thought, one child up, one to go. She looked down at Lucy. This was gonna be a challenge.

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