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Lights around us. It's snowing. I smile. I see him walk over to me. He smiles. We look up and see the mistletoe. Then we look at each other again. Then we lean forward.

"ROSS "my sister yells. I sit up. Darn she woke me up again. I get up and walk downstairs. "Good morning idiot "my sister says.

"Thanks needed that"I said. I went to the coffee maker. "Had the same dream"she asked. I nodded. "And a crazy lady woke me up"I said.

"Ross you have been having that dream since you moved here. Your not gonna find him"she said. "I always wake up before I can see his face "I said.

"Like you would be able to talk to him"she said. I gave her a look. "Face it. In high school you couldn't talk to any guy"she said. "I talked to Adam"I said.

"He was your boyfriend. You weren't free"she said. "At least I didn't marry cause I got pregnant "I said.

"I would've married Charles even if I wasn't pregnant with Cassie"she said. I gave her a look. "Who I am kidding. If I didn't get pregnant I be in Vegas right now"she said. I nodded.

"And that my dear sister is the truth"I said. "Amen "she said.

"Well my wedding was the worst day of my life"she said. "You decorated and did everything else"I said.

"Oh the place was lovely. I just married an idiot "she said. I rolled my eyes. "Charles isn't that bad"I said. She gave me a look.

"Who am I kidding. 30 dollars he's cheating "I said. "Deal"she gave me a handshake.

I took a sip of coffee. "But I love my girl Cassie and my boy Finn"she smiled. I nodded.

"Mall lunch"I asked. "Yep. "She said. I nodded.

I walked back upstairs.


I woke up to a phone call. "Hello"I said. "Hey sweetheart "mom said. "Hey mom. What's up"I asked. I got up. I was still half asleep.

"So Christmas dinner. I was thinking. Invite that boyfriend of yours. What's his name"she asked. My eyes widen.

"Mom he has his own family"I said. "Invite them. I want to meet him"she said. "I'll have to ask him"I said. "Ok. See you tomorrow "she said. "Yep"I said.

I hung up. Then started screaming. I fell back into my bed.


"Wow"Tim said. I nodded. "I have no idea what to do"I said. We were in the food court. At the mall.

"I don't know. But you have to think of something "Tim said. I gave him a look. "Thanks. That helps"I said.

Then some Christmas singers came to our table. Tim walked away. I hate him. "Ok. Guys a little boy"A man said. Then they left.

"Thanks"I said. The man nodded. "No problem Ross"he said. "Max. "I said. He smiled. "Well I'll let you be "he said. "It's fine. You can sit down "I offered. He sat down.

"So Ross"I asked. He nodded. "So Max"he smiled. I laughed.

"Tell me about yourself "he asked. "I work as a YouTuber. I'm (I don't know his age). And I am single"I said.

"I have no job. I live with my sister who is giving you a death stare. And I'm (don't know age). And I am single as well"he said.

I turned around and saw a lady giving me a stare. I turned back around. "Jeez"I said. He nodded.

He got up. "I guess I'll see you later "he said. "Tomorrow "I asked. He nodded. "Sure"he walked off.

"Hmm"I thought.

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