Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV


Shutting off my alarm, I took a glance at it. 2am. It was Friday morning and our flight was at 5 and we had to be at the airport at 3:30, 4 the latest. All four of us took a shower last night so all we had to do was get dressed and gather our things. Doing that with two sleepy toddlers is going to be tough. I'll include Camila in that, so 3 sleepy toddlers. She's not a morning person.

Surprisingly the kids stayed in their bed that night so I rolled over and shook Camila.



"Camz get up!"

And with that she groaned. I knew she heard me the first time but she tried to ignore it.

"Lo, I'm too tired for this."

"Just go get ready. I'll get the kids."

Camila got up slowly and dragged herself into the bathroom, squinting once she turned on the light.

I head out our room and into Logans.

"Logy... Disney land day!" I whisper shouted.

I knew it was too late for them so I just picked him up and he continued to sleep on my shoulder. I brought him into my room as Camila got out the bathroom and I said.

"I'm gonna get Lia and their clothes. Start undressing him please."


Walking into his room I grabbed some jeans and a long sleeve shirt for him to wear. I don't want him to be super hot when we land in Florida but I also know that it's going to be cold on the plane.

I walk into Lia's room and grab her clothes. A pair of overall jeans with a white long sleeve.

I toss the clothes over my shoulder and grab Lia from off the bed. I make my way back into our room so I can freshen up and get these kids changed. Along with myself.

After laying Lia on the bed next to Logan, I go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and put my hair in a high ponytail.

"Camz. Is Lia undressed?" I call from the bathroom.

"Yes. Where's the clothes so I can put it on them?"

"On the dresser"

I finished my routine and went back into the room to help with the kids. Camila was dressing Lia so I started to dress Logan.


"Hi. Ready to go baby?" I smiled excitedly.

"We go see Mickey Mwouse?!" He fully opens his eyes and smiles up at me as I finish sliding his pants up.


I slid on his socks and picked him up.

"Let's go brush those teeth if yours" I told him. "Babe wake Lia up" I told Camila.

Camila's POV

I'm really excited for this trip. This time alone with my family. Especially because Lauren barley works anymore.

"Liaaa baby" I sang softly in her ear.

She looked up at me, rubbing her eyes and said. "Mommy I sleepy." 

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