Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Emily. But your condition is clearly making it impossible for you to perform." Emily shook her head; not accepting the doctor's words.

"It's PTSD, everyone who is in the Marine's gets it. It's not interfering with my job. I took vows to serve and protect and I need to continue to do that, Dr. Shepard." Dr. Shepard sighed, he started flipping through some pages in his clipboard and pulled out a photograph. He showed her the photograph of the little boy. Emily's demeanor changed drastically. She swallowed hard. " Get that out of my face."

"Why Emily?" Dr. Shepard asked, pushing the photo closer to Emily. "Is it because this photograph sparks some type of emotion within you? Is it because this is the photo of the little boy you killed?"

"I said get it away from me!" Emily took the photograph and ripped in half. Throwing the remains of it at Dr. Shepard. The doctor pulled out a pop-gun and shot it in the air multiple times. The sound of the toy gun going off ripped through Emily's ears. The realistic sound made her mind flashback to the battlefield. The screams, the blood, the gunshots and the grenades going off...To Oba, the little boy she had killed. By this time Emily was on the floor of the Psychiatrist's office, curled into a ball sobbing to herself. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She whispered to herself over and over.

Dr. Shepard got out of his chair and bent down to Emily's level. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Shh," He tried easing her. "Emily you served this country for seven years. You climbed the ranks. You saved lives. You're a first lieutenant, and you always will be...But Emily, it's time for you to go home now. To your family. To your friends. You have to heal yourself now."


  The flight home was rough. Emily was surrounded by her fellow soldiers, they were excited to go home, excited to see their families. Emily felt differently. Going home meant facing her friend's hugs and kisses, it meant a homecoming party. It meant being thanked for her service in her small town of Rosewood every time she went to buy groceries. In reality, the only thing Emily had been looking forward too was her pit bull, Pepsi. She had named him Pepsi because he would always sneak into her garage and tear open cans and bottles of Pepsi. Leaving a sticky mess for her to clean up each time. She loved the puppy regardless, though. By now he was full grown, probably giving Hanna, her best friend, a hard time. She chuckled at the thought of the dog tackling the blonde whenever she would come home from work.

"Lieutenant Fields!" Emily snapped out of her daydream to see an old friend of hers.

Toby Cavanaugh. They enlisted in the Marines together eight years ago, but Toby had decided to become a seal. The last she had heard of him was about two years ago, he was being honored as a Chief Warrant Officer. An extremely high and honorable rank. She got up from her seat on the aircraft and hugged him tightly. "How have you been Toby?" She was extremely happy to see him, now at least she wouldn't have to be alone on the ride home.

"Amazing actually. The Navy has been good to me. I love serving, but I think that it's time for me to go home." They both sat down together and buckled their seat belts. Emily smiled at his words.

"How's the wife?" Emily had remembered the moment Toby proposed to Spencer. They were 18, and fresh out of high school. Spencer and Toby had both been Emily's best friends in high school. They were made for each other.

"Well, she's part of the reason I'm coming home for good." Toby pulled out his wallet and showed Emily a picture of a pregnant Spencer. Emily smiled widely and gripped his shoulder tightly. "She's eight months along." Emily was happy for him. He deserved it, he was a good man.

"Toby, that's awesome. Any idea what you're gonna name it?"

"Well, if it's a girl we're naming her Shannon. If it's a boy we're naming him archer." Toby was visibly excited, as he should be. Seeing him happy almost made Emily forget about all the shit she'd been through in the last couple months. "What about you?" Emily looked confused so Toby clarified. "How are you and Sabrina?" Emily hadn't even thought about Sabrina. She sighed heavily.

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