First Day

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It was a cold autumn morning, I was sick to the stomach. I couldn't help but think of what's going to happen next. I was sitting in the car, with my mom, and we were driving towards my new school. Honestly, this wasn't my first rodeo. Though it feels like it. As we drove up to a steep like hill, I felt more anxious than usual. As my mom park next to the stairs that led to the school. My heart thundered more with excitement. We walked up stairs and headed toward a line where the sixth graders were. Mom stood about a foot away from where I stood. My eyes explored my surroundings. The boys and girls were talking and giggling with one another. Probably talking about there summer vacation. Some kids even looked like my classmates from my old school, but if they were fused or something. My eyes then started focus on the stairs that stood in front of us. My body tensing tighter, waiting for the teachers to come.
There were three teachers, I panicked. I stood strait and firm, like a military solider waiting to be given orders from the sergeant. All the kids immediately ran to a random spot, to form a straight line. All the teachers followed done per line. (There were three lines and three teachers per line...yah) One female teacher came walking done the line were I was in. She paused to me, examining me with her eyes. "You're so nervous, don't worry you're going to love it here." She smiled and processed along the line. Then she led the class to her classroom. The other two lines were taken to there classrooms.

Crippled HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang