Chapter 1

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"Hey,(Y/N)! Catch!" Fionna threw my sword to me,as I caught it with ease,Cake laughed as she continued eating cat nip. A loud knock was heard while Fionna walked towards it,opening it.
"Greetings!" Said prince Gumball,He took a step in as he held out a platter of cream puffs.
"Go ahead,try some",He smiled as he gestured the platter of puffs towards Fionna and I,I took a cream puff and took a bite,though a gust of air past between me and Gumball as the cream puffs had disappeared.
"What the...",I muttered quietly,Fionna stayed alert as her eyes averted towards the window. A faint Thud was heard.
"Come on,let's see what it is",Lightning struck as the rain poured and created sound on the glass pane.
"I ain't goin' up there,It's wet...",Cake protested.
"It is fairly wet out there",Gumball agreed,Fionna groaned loudly as her teeth were becoming gritted
"I'll go up there",I said while going outside.
Once I was finished climbing the ladder I was met with a few tunes made by a guitar.
"Oh..Hey (Y/N)...",Marshall lee said while slyly smiling.
"Marshall..? What are you doing up here?" I asked,climbing up to the platform he floated a couple inches from.
"Ah,nothing. Just trying some of gum butts cream puffs",He said while sucking the pink pigment from the cream puffs.
"That's kinda rude marshall..",He looked at me with a slight frown.
"What? Calling him gum butt...",He replied while keeping a cream puff between his upper and lower lips.
"Yeah,I mean he's a prince..",He then took the cream puff out from between his lips and chuckled deeply.
"So? Im a king...",Marshall boasted as he threw the cream puff at me. I then dodge it as I hear a quiet plop.
"Seriously Marshall..",I then ready myself as he laughed.
"Oh come on,lighten up sweet cheeks",He laughed as I then pounce onto him,pinning him onto the platform.
"Hey! What gives",He said while gritting his teeth.
"You said up...",I smiled as he did so too.
"(Y/N)! What was up there!" Fionna yelled from beneath.
"It was just Marshall",I replied,giggling afterwards.
"Hey,(Y/N). Mind going with me on a small trip?" Asked the teenage vampire.
"What..trip..?" I asked,averting my eyes towards his.
"You'll see when you come",He said,chuckling.
"Hm..fine,I'll tell Fio-"
"No,don't. Just leave a note and we'll get out of here right now",He smiled,I then sighed and took out a piece of paper and a pencil,as I wrote down a note. After writing the note I stuck a piece of tape to the top and stuck it on the top ladder peg.
"K,lets go",I sighed.
"Alright,get on me",Marshall said after transforming to a monstrous bat,I clung onto his back and we flew to his destination.

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