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“Are you sure you're alright, Katy?” asked Shawn for about the thousandth time. They were in the middle of a conversation when he noticed Katy zoning out again. With the baby being born and then celebrating Christmas, the couple never really had the chance to sit down and talk about the incident that happened a few weeks prior.

Of course, Katy swore she was fine and didn't want to talk about it. However, Shawn knew better and he could tell it needed to be talked about. Katy was just as stubborn as she was strong, so it was practically no use getting it out of her.

Shawn sighed, crossing his arms in frustration. His wife continued to ignore him and stared intently at the TV. “So you're not even going to look at me?”

Katy turned to look at him. “What, Shawn?! What do you want?!” she snapped.

“You don't have to yell at me like that. I'm only trying to talk to you” said Shawn.

“There's nothing to talk about..” Katy replied coldly.

“Like hell there isn't.” said Shawn under his breath.

Katy distracted herself by folding some of the baby's clothes and putting them in the drawer. Once she was done with that, she went to go in the kitchen but stopped suddenly at the doorway. The light wasn't on like it usually was and for some reason this frightened her and it never had before.

“Babe, what's wrong?” asked Shawn with concern when he noticed her.

Katy shook her head, avoiding the question. “Can you please go into the kitchen and get me a glass of water?”

The man sat up slightly, raising an eyebrow. He was confused as to why she couldn't get it herself until he got out of bed and put two and two together. It was dark and Katy was clearly afraid to go into the kitchen alone.

Without saying another word, he went into the kitchen and promptly got Katy her glass of water. He kept his eyes on her as he handed her the glass and got back in bed next to her. When she was finished drinking the water, she sat the glass down on the nightstand and checked on their baby sleeping in the crib near their bed.

Instead of the usual kiss goodnight and “I love you”, Katy laid down facing away from Shawn. Although he was a little hurt by this, he knew better than to say anything else
so he laid down as well.

Shawn went to put his arms around Katy when he felt her flinch. That had never happened before and Shawn wasn't quite sure what to make of it. In a way, he felt so helpless that he obviously wasn't able to help her considering she wouldn't even talk to him about it. He wrapped his arms around her anyways, this time she didn’t flinch and she eventually drifted off to sleep.


Katy was sound asleep when a nightmare interrupted her slumber. In her nightmare, she was seeing Kermit, he was drunk and angry again. He was physically attacking her and then he tried to take Maya, but when he couldn't find her, he took the baby instead. She screamed out in agony. Suddenly, she jolted awake from the nightmare with a scream.

Shawn immediately got up to console her. “Katy, sweetheart, it's me. You're okay”, he wrapped his arms tightly around her to stop her from shaking.

“Wh - where's the baby? Is he okay?” asked Katy, her voice breaking.

“He's right there in his crib. He's fine, honey. Did you have another nightmare?” said Shawn as he continued holding her close and rubbing her back in a circle.

Katy silently nodded. The man kissed her forehead and held her as close as possible. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked gently.

She sighed before continuing. “It was about Kermit. I had a dream that h-he..came back and attacked me again. But this time he took our son and it was the most devastating and painful experience ever. I know it wasn't real but.. I-I can't…” Katy broke down into quiet sobs once again.

Shawn felt his heart shattering into a million pieces and he made a vow to himself that if he ever saw that bastard again he'd more than likely kill him. His wife doesn't deserve this. This constant pain and living in fear. His family doesn't deserve this.

“Sweetheart, listen to me. Everything will be okay. I'm here and he will never ever hurt you or our family ever again. I love you.” whispered Shawn to Katy who was still buried against his chest.

She lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “I love you too.”

“Good, now let's try to get some rest. You can lay against my chest and listen to my heartbeat. That way, you'll always know that you're safe with me.” Shawn laid back down and Katy did just what he said.

It didn't take long for them to both fall back asleep, even if it was only for a few hours before Shawn Jr. would wake, and a new day would start and they would keep the faith that it would be better than the last.

Miracle Unexpected : A Shawn, Katy, and Maya fanficWhere stories live. Discover now