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I woke up and my phone was lit up with notifications from Jacob.

Jakie😘: Hey Marks throwing a party tonight wanna come?
Jakie😘: Alyssa?
Jakie😘: u there
Me: Yeah I'll ask my mom. Is he gonna have alcohol
Jakie😘: no.

I ran down the stairs and asked my mom who was currently cooking eggs about the party.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Why?!" I said with an attitude, "Jacob gets to go!"

"Because, there is probably gonna be alcoholic beverages there!"

"Mom! I'm a good kid! I don't drink and neither does Jacob or Mark!"

"Your not going!"


I ran up the stairs to text Jacob about what just happened.

Time Skip to Late Night

I was looking at my phone and was spooked my a loud clunk. I ignored it, but it didn't stop. So I jumped off my bed. CLUNK! A rock had just hit my window. I quickly opened the sliding glass door and looked down. Jacob was standing there looking up.

"Finally!" He exclaimed.

I smiled.

"How do you expect me to get down?" I asked.

"Jump." He said, as if it were no big deal.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Yeah! But just trust me!"

I rolled my eyes and clenched my stomach.

"I'm scared!" I screamed.

"I'll catch you!" He shouted.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I climbed over the bars that blocked my way.

"Holy shit Jacob!" I screamed.

He began to laugh. I closed my eyes and took a leap of faith. Before I knew it I was in Jacob's arms. I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Gotcha!" He said smiling.

He put me down and we ran down the street to catch up with some other friends.

"My mom won't even notice." I said out of breath.

Jacob looked at me and laughed.

"My mom thinks I'm just going to hang out." He admitted.

"I should've done the same!" I screamed out of anger.

"Yeah, you would've had a lesser chance of getting caught."

"Well, that's obvious."

We finally caught up with some friends and made our way to Mark's house. We stormed through the doors only to be deafened by the sound of music blasting. Jacob got behind me and covered my ears. I pushed his hands away and we made our way through the crowd of people to try and find Mark. He was standing in the kitchen talking to some girl.

"Hey whose this?" Jacob asked.

"This is Loren." Mark said, introducing her.

"Where's Johnny?" I asked finally.

"He didn't come cuz he's with some girl." He explained.

"Who?" I asked.

"Probably Mackenzie!" Jacob said.

"I thought he liked me!" I teased.

Jacob gave me an icy glare.

"Jacob chill out, it was a joke!" I argued.

He rolled his eyes and brought out his phone. Soon enough, we all were just standing there on our phones.

"You guys are boring." I finally said.

Mark looked up and nods his head in agreement.

"Let's go dance!" Jacob exclaimed.

I grab his hand as he leads me through the massive amounts of people to the living room. Apparently, also known as the dance floor.

"You think that's his girlfriend?" I asked Jake.

"Or his major crush." He replied.

"Nah! He's too flirty with her."


"I need to sit down."

I grabbed Jacob's hand and sat him on the couch with me. I rested my head on his lap and he played with my hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed while he rubbed my head.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said softly.

"You sick?"

"No, just...slow."

Jacob made a confused face and continued to play with my hair. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Jacob whispered in my ear.

The music was turned off and there wasn't many people around. I got up and looked around.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked.

"A hundred years." Said Mark.

"Only about an hour or two!" Loren said honestly.

"What time is it?" I asked, "And where's Jacob!"

"It's 12:15 AM and I'm right here!" I heard Jacob say.

I didn't realize I was laying in front of him on the couch. He was spooning me. I quickly got up and squatted so I could be near his face.

"Sorry Jacob. I didn't realize I was practically on you!" I explained.

"It's fine." He said, "but I think it's time to head home."

"Bye guys!" We both said.

We hurried home, but Jacob insisted he helped me get back in my room. Once we arrived at the side of my house we stared at the terrace that I had to somehow get onto. Jake came around the corner with a ladder, which I was guessing was from my garage. He placed it in just the right spot. I climbed up to the terrace. And turned to face Jake.

"G'night babe!" I said blowing a kiss.

His eyes widened and he was frozen in his tracks and I closed my eyes in disbelief. I turned to face my mom who looked very unhappy.

"I'm sober." I said giving a fake smile.

"Ma'am this was my fault!" Jacob shouted.

"No, Jake go home this was my fault."

He frowned and started his way home.

"Grounded for 4 weeks!" She said and stormed off into the hall."

I can't be grounded for four weeks!

Her head peeped into my doorway and she said, "No phone either!"

~Forever Us~ || j.s ((FINISHED))Where stories live. Discover now