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Grimmjows POV:

She walked in behind me in silence, and looked around a bit. I

led her in the kitchen as I unpacked my stuffs.

- Do you wanna drink something?

- Yeah. - she said shily but her eyes were in fire immadietly. May be she could be interesting.

- And what are you doing in this town? - I turned to her as I purred out some beer to us.

- I study at the university. - she answered as she took the glass from my hand. I walked out to the balcony and (y/n) followed me. But as we went out I recognized she wore just a T- shirt so I gave her my jumper. She looked at me surprised.

- Just take it! - I grombled. She did as I told. I had to say she was cute, my jumper was the tryple size of her clothes I bet that.

- Thanks. - she whispered and automatically took out a cigarette from her pocket. She's just like me, I smiled a bit.

- And what do you study? - she turned to my direction with the smoke between her lips.

- Art and designe. - (y/n) mumbled as she lightet up her cigarette.

- Isn't it too expensive? - I asked as I lighted up my cigarette too. She nodded it in silnce. I didn't know what else I could say. We were just standing there for a few sec.

- My father hepls me out and I write novels too. - she split it out eventually.

- Novels? - I raized my eyebrow then smirked. - Some girlishly stuff, I guess.

- God help, no. I write horror and thriller novels. - she said angrily.

- I don't bet that. - I teased with her.

- Believe in what you want. - she hessed.

- Then tell me a story! - and we were on the balcony for at least a half an hour. I had to say I enjoyed hearing her story. Finally a woman who has some thoughts, not just a pritty doll. As she finished I huged her gently with my free arm. She froze.

- It was a bug on your back.- It was the truth OK! But suddenly she huged me back. Now I was surprised. We were standing like that for a while. Then she glanced on my whatch wich was on my right arm, in what I was holding my smoke.

- It's late. - she mumbled as she pulled out herself from my arm. I surpressed my cigarette and went in after her. She was already on the sofa curled up in a ball. She was barely visible in my big jumper and she hid her head in the hoodie.

- If you need something I'll be in the bedroom. - she glanced at me and nodded.

Readers POV:

- What was with that hug? - I was thinking of that moment while I was looking at him as Grimmjow's walking away. He was tuff, definitely but there was something more in him. He said it was just a bug, but he didn't push me away. I smiled in myself. I was in his jumper on his sofa it was so wiered. But his smell was good. Surprisingly it was calming. It took some time but eventually I could fell a sleep.

In the morning

Grimmjows POV:

I heared some quite footsteps. I was laying on my side, my bed was next to the door, and I glanced the watch on my arm. It was just eight a clock and it was Saturday. Then somebody opened the door gently, I closed my eyes and pritendig I was still sleeping. I was curious what she's up for. I heared as she took my keys from the nightstand. Then she suddenly stopped and she set on her heels against the bed. She's just staring at me. When she stood up I couldn't stand anymore...I grabbed her hips and pulled her down in the bed. I embraced her tihgt and pulled the blanket on us with my other hand. She was completly in a shock, she didn't even said a word.

- You wanna leave without a word? It's rude. - I mumbled as I crowled my face in the crook of her neck. Her skin was so soft, and her scent... man. It could make me crazy. But (y/n) was still in silence. Might am I so creepy? Tch. But she was the one who huged me last night right? Then suddenly I felt her body released a bit. She started to calm down.

- It's too early. Sleep! -I demanded on a so calm voice that I didn't even know about it. Her presence was so warm and comforting. Not that I didn't want her or anything, I just didn't want to freak her out more. It was wiered beacause I alwasy got what I want right that time right there. But now I just wanted to snuggle to her and sleep a bit more. Tch. This woman really made me crazy.

Readers POV:

Good, he didn't realized I'm here. I thought as I stood up and turned back to the door. But suddenly Grimmjow caught me and pulled down my body in the bed. Then he wraped around us the blankcet. What the hell is he doing? I was totally confused and freaked out. I could fight against him, or scream, but it was meaningless. He was strong. And he was... half naked?! God damn' it! My whole body heated up as I felt his body against mine. What will he do to me?! But he didn't move an inch. He was just holding me tight and I felt he didn't want to hurt me. Then he mombled something that I could barely hear. It was cute. I calmed down in his arms. He growled something again, but I just heard he said it's to early or something like that, and he... passed out?! Really?! The GREAT I GET WHATEVER I WANT GUY is just sleeping next to me? May be he likes me. But why? Then I felt his grasp was loosing a bit. He was warm and his arms were so strong. I felt myself safety. And eventually I fell asleep too.

A few hours later:

I woke up for a sudden voice. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and sat up. Then I realized I was still in Grimmjows apartment. Exactly in his bed. I looked around my body my clothes were still on me. I sighed. He went out the balcony I guess. I went out too and I saw a cup of café on the table what's in the kitchen. It was cold already but I didn't mind. Then I went out to the balcony to lighted up for a cigarette.
- Thanks. - I mumbled as I was holding my smoke between my lips and pointed to the cup in my hand. He just nodded. We were standing there in silence for a few sec then he surpressed his cigarette.
- I had to go. - he mumbled and held me his keys. - Closed the door before you go.
- But... - I stuttered.
- I know where you live. Remember cutie? - then he left. I hate when he calls me that...

Grimmjow x Reader/The guy from the next doorWhere stories live. Discover now