Jacob Latimore

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Hey guys i'm going to add six more parts to my first one.i'm a fan of these guys they all cute.please comment and follow me!!!have fun reading this!!!BTW only girls can read!!! bye!!

you and Jacob is laying down in bed,he moves his hand down your cilf and you said jacob go to sleep,he said i can't i had a dream about you.then he took the rest of of your of your clothes off.Then he took off his basket ball shorts,and slid it in you slowly you started to moan but get cut off by him putting his finger against your lips.he started to ride your real fast.you started to  moan loud. after a while yall fell aslep naked.

Hey guys i'm sorry its short because i am  dealing with babysitting and doing homework.But i'm going to keep ya'll updated.byeee!!!!

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