The time is Now

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(future: okay so I am writing the sequel I wasn't planning on writing one but then I saw how people were confused.)

So this is my third story on wattpad. I hope you won't mind it's not a One Direction fan fiction. Please no hate and If anything is word for word the same as another book let me know. If my story has similar parts to another story it's purely coincidence. On with the story!


My name is Mackenzie, but I go by Kenzie. I am in the White Forest pack. My height is 5'3 with white blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. And yes by pack I mean I am a werewolf. I am 17 years old and I am very shy towards people unless I get to know them. I graduated early, since then my life has been awful.

Lets see well first I found my mate. Yes my mate was an alpha. Second he was drunk and stuff happened. Third the next morning I realized who he was and he knew who I was. He was my most hated enemy I had. Yes I realized that I was an alpha-female before I met him because I could make other were's submit. Fourth my mate rejected me for unknown reasons, as in since I was little he hated me and I have no clue why. I mean my parents are some of the most respected around here. Fifth I- I ran to the bathroom. I threw up everything. We aren't supposed to be sick. That means one thing... I'M PREGNANT!!!! I went downstairs to find my mom.


"In the kitchen." She replied.

"Mom. I'm pregnant and our alpha is my mate and the father."

"That's wonderful news! We should have him over for dinner."

"No mom, he rejected me! I don't want to see him I have to leave!" Her eyes widened.

"I understand go pack your bags. I will give you cash and let your father know. I will drop you off at the airport. Do you know where you are going?"

"Yes. But I think I should keep it a secret."

"You should but you have to keep your father and I updated on how you are just with a different number and email." I nodded. I went up to my room and grabbed my two suitcases and my purse and stared shoving whatever I needed to bring with me. It took a while but I finally finished and had my things in the car. Mom came out and gave me an envolope filled with $35,000.

"Thank you mom" she gave me a hug and drove me to the airport. Once we got to the airport I cut myself and unborn child from the pack.

"I Makanzie Hannah Jones and my unborn child are no longer a part of the White River Pack!" I went inside before I heard the howls and Purchased a ticket under a false name to France. It would be to obvious if I moved to Paris, France so I chose a city near it but not too close. I am so glad I am fluent in french or I would have moved to London. Once I boarded the plane I was more relaxed. I got my sketchbook out of my purse and started designing more clothes.

*In France a few days later*

I was staying hotel for a little while until I could start my own company for the clothes I designed and get an apartment. The first thing I did was get a doctors appointment. To see if my baby was ok. My appointment is tomorrow at 3pm. So I went and looked at houses. I went to a pay phone and called my mom.


"Auntie it's Jana." I used a fake name. I know those phone lines were tapped. Mom knows I'm in France and knows I just arrived after all I sent her an email on the plane.

"Jana! The pack is going crazy trying to find your cousin. Even our alpha Shay is getting everyone to look for her."

"Why would he look for her? He rejected her. From what she wrote me in her letter and is doing fine in Egypt. Apparently she met a guy."

"That's a good question. Really?"

"Yeah. She said he is treating her with respect and he said his mate rejected him and his pack was destroyed so now they are basically family." Mom knows this is not true I have emailed her where I am and if I'd met someone.

"Alright just as long as she is safe that is all I care about."

"She said she was safe and her 'friend' was keeping her out of harm."

"So you think they are more than friends?"

"Yeah. I mean both their mates reject them and they are on their own so I think if they aren't they will be soon." I was only saying those things to get on Shay's nerves.

"Sorry auntie I have to go I have to get to sleep so I can get to my doctors appointment on time."

"Alright bye." I hung up and bumped into- I breathed in- a vampire.

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"Not it was my fault little werewolf. Where is your pack?"

"I had to run away." I looked at him. Lets just say I can basically get people wrapped around my finger if they looked me in the eyes.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Kenzie. Yours?"

"Dietrich Grimm. I'm one of the most feared vampires in the world."

"Well Dietrich thank you for keeping me company."

"It was my pleasure dearie. Since you are pack less, would you like to join my coven?" See I has him wrapped around my finger.

"Could I? What about my baby?"

"They are part of my coven as well. Once they are born of course."

"Thank you Dietrich. I will join your coven or as I call them families."

"Then it's official you are now Kenzie Grimm. Part of my coven of almost three I will make people aware that you and your child should be afraid of me if they lay a fang claw or scratch you. Now here." He gave me a pendant with a crest on it. Wait it's his family crest. "Just press that when you are in need of help. Oh and here is a phone that will help you keep in contact with your family and it can't be tracked. Oh please come over to my home for dinner. I may be a vampire but I can still eat human food it does nothing to me but I like the flavors."

"Alright send me the address and I will be there tomorrow night after my ultrasound."

"I will. Oh and when you come tomorrow please bring your bags as you will be moving in with me."

"Sure. But I don't want to intrude in your space."

"You won't I have a big house and so much room it won't be a bother." I nodded and gave him a hug.

"I will text you my address tomorrow morning. Right now I have to go and find someone who was threatening me." I nodded again and he left. I walked back to the hotel and fell asleep I was tired.

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