Chapter 3

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*Malaysia's POV*

*Alarm Rings*

I let out a sigh, I turned off the alarm and hopped into my bathroom to do my mornin' shit. I got in the shower, brushed my teeth and got into a fresh pair of matching bra and underwear. (Not really a thong person unlike most 17 year old girls).

I chose my outfit and changed into it, a white t-shirt with 'Obey' in red writing, denim jeans and my red jordans. I looked average today. I did my everyday makeup routine which consisted of a little foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

"Chris is here sweety", my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming", I yelled back grabbing my messenger bag and heading downstairs.

Chris is gonna be my ride for the next couple weeks or so cause my Land Rover was getting a full paint job, tinted windows and new interior.

"Morning beautiful", Chris said whilst examining my outfit up and down. I simply rolled my eyes, but I could feel my cheeks burning. I grabbed lunch money from my mom, gave her a kiss on the cheek and with that we were out.

Chris opened my side of the car's door for me and hopped in the other side. Damn Chris might have been a bit of a player but he was still a gentleman and sure knew the right things to say and do.

We arrived in school just before the bell was about to go so I quickly raced to my locker to get my books for the next few classes. History being my first subject with Chris just happening to be in the same class.

We walked to class together suprisingly on time. And I was about to sit in my seat but Chris pulled me towards him from the back.

"Sit in the back beside me, Sally ain't in today", he said with hope in his voice.

I crushed all his hope in my answer. "Excuse me Nigga, you know I don't get down like that, I'm strictly business at school", I spat while pushing him off me.

"Just for today I'm so lonely by myself Mae", he whispered with his cutest puppy dog eyes that he knew I couldn't resist.

I finally gave in and creeped my ass to the back hoping Mr. Carter wouldn't notice. And fortunately he didn't. I let out a sigh of relief when I finally got to my new seat for today without getting caught.

"That wasn't so hard was it?", Chris said mockingly while poking me in the stomach

"Nigga shut up, you so loud, you want us both to get in trouble for you big mouth?", I remarked removing his pointy ass fingers from my stomach.

Chris shot a 'bitch are you talking to me' look at me and we both couldn't help but burst out laughing. I was just myself when I was with Chris I was so comfortable around him.

After wiping the tears from my face from laughter my bra started vibrating and I discretely took my phone out from it, wondering who dared to interrupt my learning time.

It was Khamil. Suddenly a smile crept across my lips.

*Text conversation*

Khamil: "Hey gorgeous"

Me: "Oh hey Khamil"

Khamil: "How you doing Malaysia"

Me: "I'm Gucci as always nd u?"

Khamil: "I'm good too:) so what class you in right now?"

Me: "History class with this boring ass teacher Mr. Carter he looks like a paedophile lol"

Khamil: "Haha lol I'm in Spanish class right now. So you free tonight?:)"

*Conversation over*

Before I could reply Mr. Carter was hovering over me and swiped my iPhone right from my hands.

"Malaysia you know the rules, no phones in class."

"Sorry sir", I said apologetically

"You should know by now how I punish people who are caught with their phones."

Oh shit, I gulped. Mr.Carter punishes people caught texting on their phones by reading the WHOLE text conversation to the whole class. Last year Kelly Johnson got caught sexting her then boyfriend and Mr. Carter read the whole conversation to the entire class.

Mr. Carter interrupted my reminiscing by clicking his fingers in my face and repeatedly chanting my name.

"Sorry Sir", I apologised again genuinely scared of what would happen next.

He didn't seem to even take in my apologies and against my will read out the whole conversation to the whole class.

I didn't need a mirror to know my face had gone bright red. I turned to Chris who was in utter shock, shaking his head right to left, left to right. For some strange reason Chris had anger in his eyes. Could he be jealous? I shook that thought out of my head, Chris and I were just friends that's all.

Oh fuck I had forgotten about what I sent Khamil about Mr. Carter being a paedophile.

Mr. Carter looked at me in disgust "I'm very disappointed in you Malaysia, this is very unlike you", he admitted, shaking his head repeatedly.

"You have detention after school today!"

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