The start

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This short story is about a boy who suffers from enuresis, which is involuntary bed-wetting while sleeping.

John can't stop it and his mother argues that he's just lazy and doesn't want to get out of bed at night.

There are no medicines. His father promised him that if he doesn't wet the bed for the rest of the week until he turns thirteen then he will get a new bed for his birthday gift. John wants it badly, but he doesn't think he can make it, so he needs to lie to his parents.

Will he be able to keep his secret until the day comes? How will this affect his school affairs and activities? If he finds a way to rid himself of this shameful disorder will everything be fine?

P.S. The story begins when he is an adult, then there will be a time leap back to his childhood, and then finally back to his adulthood.

The story will be from John's side, sometimes will shift to the author.

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