Goodbye my sweet sleep

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Finally, the bell rang which means the end of last lesson and history test; I think I wrote it pretty well. I exchange a few words with Dill and Matt; it seems they wrote the test bad. I said goodbye and headed back to my home, Of course not completely straight there, because first I stopped at Public Laundry to pick up my sheets and pajamas.

And now I can calmly go home. Another's day burden is destroyed.

"Hi!" The voice next to me exclaims and scares me, but I didn't show it. I turned around and saw Nefy with her big smile.

"Oh hi! I didn't notice you." I laughed. We both begin to walk home together because we lived next to each other.

"How was test to you?" She asked

 "Pretty good, for you?" I satisfied proud of myself brandishing my sports bag.

"Pretty good too! Except those dates, I couldn't remember them!" From quick going forward, her pancreas swing.

"It's true, I also didn't remember them." I smile.

"You know, others say that it's much easier to learn when others ask you. My parents are always so busy!"

"Yes, mine too." I respond, my heart beating fast.Could it be even better day?

"Then we could do it together. I mean if you want to." She was smiling, and I was already jumping inside.

"Yes, of course!" I laughed merrily. This time the laugh is real.


"When?" I get confused. John, John, really no time to a girl?

"Yes, maybe a Saturday?"

"I have a match on Saturday" I said sadly.

"Then after the game?"

 "Good." I relaxed when we reach her house.

"Well, good luck playing! Bye!" She exclaimed already running through her lawn.

"Bye." I said. It's happiest day of my life! Except this morning and my tired legs that are barely carrying me...


It was getting dark outside when I finished my homework. I took out the trash, and I was already prepared for my mission. Mom was watching a TV program that divides the prizes for the correct answer .There is intense battle, one woman can win a thousand at any minute. Well, I just need a few cents. Tomorrow is the start of the weekend. I won't go to school but I need money for Public Laundry.

"Did you finish everything?" my mother asks as soon as I sat down on the couch beside her.

"Yes, the trash is also taken out." I say, but my mother begins to guess loudly along with players what the name of the song is.

"Mom? Can I get my lunch money?" I try to ask without raising suspicion. If she'll ask for something more, I'll say that they'll be used for food, after the match.

"You don't need them this second, silence! I'll soon recognize this melody!" She gestures to the TV and leaned forward so she could hear better. "I'll give you the money in the morning." she adds.

"But I can take it by myself." I try to convince her.

"No! I said that I'll give it to you in the morning, and now let me finish watching this show, soon they'll announce the winner." Said mother waving a hand like she's trying to defend herself from flies. No, no, I needed to do something! I needed those few cents!

"I'm going to go eat ..." I tell calm voice, rising from the place I went towards the kitchen.

"Just don't eat too much; it's already time to sleep!" Mom yells as I grabbed the biscuit box from the shelf. In front of my eyes I saw money jar and I raise the lid extracting a few cents.

"I hope you aren't touching money jar?" It looks like she knows everything.

"No, I just placed the biscuits back to their place" Excited I put the lid back and put cookies to place.

"I'll read a book in my room." I say already at the stairs.

"Just don't forget to turn off the lights." That was mothers' only words. It seems she can't say something nice. I turned around and already to climbed two steps, when dad stopped me, rising from the couch.

"Johnny, tomorrow I'll take you to the game, I want to see how you play." He proudly says. It rejoiced me and made me upset at the same time. I had planned to run to the Public Laundry as usual, because the training will start at eight, like school.

"You don't have to drive me there, Dad." I grin hiding my anxiety.

"But I want to!"

"But it's early! Training will be at the eighth and the game is only at ten! It would be better if you have a good sleep and come to watch me at ten!" And I already thought that today will be one of the best day in my life ..

"I'll pick you up at seven." dad smiles. I lower my eyes and inhale.

"Well okay..." I mutter, and rushed through the stairs to the room calling for dad "good night".

I shut the door of my room still hearing mothers' shouting that she was able to win a thousand, because she guessed the name of a song correctly.

I sit on the bed without knowing what to do. There is no other way ... I take my alarm clock off the table and turn it up to five in the morning. It wasn't long before I got up from my sleep.

Goodbye my sweet sleep ...

The Loneliest Runner [English]Where stories live. Discover now