The First Glimpse of Wonderland

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There were worried murmurs rustling the air about her as she started to come to, the doctors rushing about and the world going dark once more.

Falling, falling, the ticking of the clock bringing forth similar images in her mind, forming her dream as if molded clay.

Sitting on a bed, cross legged in her nightgown and watching the animals scurry about her. Her bed moved slightly, set on the second hand of a clock.

With each tick of the clock, the ducks would follow. They were somewhat anthropomorphic, yet obviously ducks dressed as doctors. On the minute hand stood her parents, though they looked different, much like pigs. What a funny thought, that her parents be pigs in fancy clothes.

Everything began to get hotter, the clock moving faster before beginning to slow down. The heat slowly ebbed and she felt wet all over, chilled even.

The dream was over as her eyes opened slowly, taking in her surroundings. Had it even been a dream? She could barely move now, though there were still ducks running about and checking her and drying her after having submersed her in an ice bath to bring down the fever.

The pigs moved closer, looking rather happy that she was awake. The fancy pigs watched her closely, the female, her mother, pulling her into a hug.

"Quacks."she said, the word somewhat slurred as she looked at the ducktors... The doctors?

At the time, her parents were sure it would pass. They were just happy that she was alive.

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