chapter 6

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Today's Monday...

I hate Mondays 

always slow..

It was really cold. I could see my breath in the air in front of me 

I almost slipped getting on the bus.

I put my mint green headphones in and turned the music up at loud as I could.

Car radio was playing.

I knew it by heart and mouthed out the words.

There was a new kid on the bus.

he had long hair with a giant fringe a blue streak.

He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a red pierce the veil shirt that looked 3x the size he was. 

what the fuck does pierce the veil mean?

He wore a long black hoodie. 

The sleeves go way past is hands.

he played with his two lip piercings. 

He had gauged his ears so big it looked like you could fit a hot dog through them. 

the bus came to a stop .

we were at school .

someone please kill me now .

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