The Protector (Royce)

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Okay so I've been having this really weird dream like over and over again and it seems like it continues each night I go to sleep. So I decided to make it a story. And because the dream happens everyday I'll be updating it everyday. There's just a little boy on boy action... not too much to make you see Prince or Roc any differently. I'm going to start this story after January 16, 2014. But, I have a sneak peek for you!

Sneak Peek:

Prince P.o.v- 

"Roc!" I screamed as I was awoken by another nightmare. "Another nightmare Prince?" he questioned me as he turned around and looked at me from his bed which was across the room. I nodded slowly. He gestured me to come over to him. I slowly got up so he wouldn't hear us. "You wanna just sleep in my bed the rest of the night?" Roc whispered. I nodded again but a little faster this time. He scooted over making room for me to fit in the queen size bed of his. "Come on," he said in a sleepy tone. I quietly got in his bed without saying a word. He started to say something but I quickly put my index finger over his lips. He moved my finger. "He can't hear us Prince." Roc said trying to let me know it's okay to talk. "Was it the same nightmare tonight?" He asked. "Yes, but it was different. He was trying to kill me this time." I said terrified. Roc pulled me into his chest and whispered in my ear, "I will never let him hurt you or Kori." I looked over at Kori who was sound asleep in her bed. "I'll let him hurt me before he hurts one of you. Okay?" I nodded. "Now, get some sleep, he'll be coming up here in a few hours to wake us up." Roc stated as he let me go and turned the other way to go to sleep himself. After thirty minutes of silence and me starring at the dark ceiling I finally fell asleep...

Okay, so that was the sneak peek... I hope you guise like the rest of the story starting after January 16, 2014! It's 3:09 am. Time for me to dream! Goodnight Loves!

-Only Azhli

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