a date with the king

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You was getting ready because in just a few hours you were going on a date with king sombra y'all are going somewhere but you don't know where.
"Knocking at the door"
(You grin a little) (you throw on a dress with dark blood red on the top half & on the bottom was black with black shoes) (you open the door)
Hey sombra (he replys yes just one thing is missing)( he uses his magic puts a black rose in your hair)
There now you ready common (you ask were we going) *he looks at you* well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise would it well no it wouldn't
Y'all in to the everfree forest you look at him shake in fear w-what are we doing here its test do you really trust & he disappears were did he go I fell for one of his tricks what did he mean by test (you hear timber wolves fear runs through your body) you throw rocks at theme until they get closer & closer sombra shots them.

king sombra X reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang